The Princess And The Tower PC New Version 0.5.1a

Language: English
New Version 0.5.1a
Censored: No
1. Unzip/unpack and run
Info: Through a magical accident you, a shady goblin, are transported into the tower of a locked up Princess ( trope alert ;) ) . Procure gold for the Princess to help her escape plan, train her and put up with her sometimes odd behaviour, whilst finding out what lurks in the shadows…
Irith: New cutscenes (hallway reward, belt opening, bath massage, pet walk, …)
Nyx: New cutscenes (tavern dancing, interaction with Gwynn)
Iliana: New cutscenes (toy usage)
Gwynn: New character & interactions
Portal: New portal location (The Archives, The Archives Treasure Chamber)
Minigame: Belt lock picking
GUI: Gallery with screens to collect achievements etc.
New items
New tower location (The Attic)
Improved inventory
Some bug fixes and graphical updates / re-renders
Rebalancing (Nyx loot improved by level, ….
Console mode now active by default (SHIFT-O)
V0.5 / CR-0049 / GUI / Look-Up style lore book with researched facts
V0.5 / CR-0063 / SW Design / Improve extension system for Patreon only content (items, recipes, screens, …) V0.5+
V0.5 / CR-0068 / Minigame / Portal Defense Strategy Minigame
V0.5 / CR-0074 / Story / Irith: New SLU training event progression (Portal: Brothel, intro/hook only)
V0.5 / CR-0076 / Gameplay / Dungeon exploration skippable / assignable to assistant Nyx as task
V0.5 / CR-0084 / Story / Irith: New SUB event
V0.5 / CR-0087 / Art / Illiana: Cutscene day 22 (BDSM type)
V0.5 / CR-0089 / Story / Irith can receive a NSFW “goblin wakeup”… if SLU, SUB high enough => Combine with CR-0150
V0.5 / CR-0094 / Minigame / Chastity belt lockpicking mini game or “gratuitous” cutscene
V0.5 / CR-0096 / SW Design / Encapsulate schedules and activities in global GAME object / revise error prone SW design
V0.5 / CR-0112 / Gameplay / (Color-) mark maxed attribute (for respective release) in stat screen of NPC to indicate end-of-content
V0.5 / CR-0127 / Gameplay / Irith: Spanking favour
V0.5 / CR-0131 / Gameplay / Balancing of item values
V0.5 / CR-0135 / GUI / More interactive / useful inventory (use vs. gift options)
V0.5 / CR-0137 / Story / New character in the Tower (Nyx, Thieves Guild assistant)
V0.5 / CR-0140 / Gameplay / Aggregate (some) daily searches in one object (e.g. store room chest)
V0.5 / CR-0141 / Audio / New / revised ambient soundtracks / credits screen
V0.5 / CR-0142 / Gameplay / Option to delegate morning chores (to Nyx)
V0.5 / CR-0143 / Gameplay / Alternative time spending options (better than 1h at a time / nap)
V0.5 / CR-0145 / Gameplay / New character Gwynn the witch (trigger: 15 fields occupied, expo, basic character and quest data)
V0.5 / CR-0147 / SW Design / Reconsolidate Item database with extension data
V0.5 / CR-0148 / GUI / Unclutter Storeroom menu options
V0.5 / CR-0150 / Story / Reward / cutscene Irith in case 100k is reached (sleepover option)
V0.5 / CR-0151 / Art / Core assets / screens for new locations Tavern, Brothel, Slave School
V0.5 / CR-0153 / Gameplay / Eliminate abrupt 180 degree turns of green slimes
V0.5 / CR-0154 / Gameplay / New location: The shop (Portal)
V0.5 / CR-0155 / Story / Nyx training SUB (bathing trigger), SLU (tavern trigger)
V0.5 / CR-0156 / Minigame / Protected Zone around the Keep
V0.5 / CR-0165 / GUI / Level indicator for NPC on the stat screen
V0.5 / CR-0168 / Gameplay / Quest log expansion to include more hints on tavern training & exposure
V0.5 / CR-0172 / Gameplay / Add nyx supply chest items (partially) to her loot (some oil, fruit)
V0.5 / CR-0176 / SW Design / Clean up max value / cap attribute dicts for NPC
V0.5 / CR-0179 / Dialogue / Correction of various typos and edits to dialogue found in V0.5 early release test
V0.5 / CR-0181 / Gameplay / Add explicit hints on spectral bomb and scrying crystal when entering arcane room

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Size: 587