Boobsgames - Warlock and Boobs New Version 0.356

Developer / Publisher: Boobsgames
Tags: boobsgames, rpgm, 2dcg, fantasy, male protagonist, monster girl, adventure, combat, turn based combat, futanari, transgender, big tits, big ass blowjob
Censorship: No Language: Eng/Rus
New Version 0.356
OS: Win
Size: In Download.
Krowly always wanted to learn magic, hunt for monster girls, and most of all, get laid. Help guide Krowley in fulfilling his dreams!
Additional Info:
Press F5 to toggle full screen.
Press F6 to change window size.
Press W to show/hide Krowly’s picture.
Gay content can be turned off at the beginning of the game
New animated scene with the flower girl.
Mini events.
These are very small flavor events that are randomly happening when you do everyday activities. Some are just a block of lore text or a bit of exposition. Some of them depends on your statistic or other conditions.
Helping Astra: 4 mini events
Reading Melissa’s books:4 mini events
Help in Monastery: +3 mini events, +1 event with Mother Sabrina (different depending on relationship with her)
Reading books in Krowly’s bedroom: +5 mini events
Rose joins topless Friday. Talk to her during the topless Friday evening if Jaina already joined and if you have already seen huge boobs event with Rose (huge boobs even needs to be triggered again, in this update)
Samantha joins topless Friday. Just talk to her during topless Friday evening
Jill joins topless Friday. Talk to her during topless Friday evening if everybody else have joined (check for Agnieszka, Rose, Taisha and Samantha)
New scenes:
Agnieszka’s titfuck. Flirt with her during the topless Friday in the tavern. 15 or more relationship points.
Rose autofellatio. Has random chance to be triggered when you help Rose to test potions (gay scenes shouldn’t be disabled in menu for this scene)
Flowerjob. Animated. After first encounter you can meet flower girl in different places around the map. (the wood, elven forest, near Melissa’s tower, fairies’ glade) If you choose not to fight, there will be an option to trigger the scene. Same scene with different flower girl is triggered when you loose a fight to her during the event on the hunt (the one with dick shaped plants)
Mother Sabrina’s boobs demonstration. Flirt with her during the day. Requires 10 or more relationship points with her
New pictures:
Flowerjob. Lots of variants and elements for the animated scene.
Agnieszka’s titfuck. 3 variants
Rose’s autofellatio. 4 variants
Mother Sabrina’s nippleshowing and topless variants.
Rose topless
Jill topless
Samantha topless
2 “sketch” images that are used during mini events
Small things
Variants of Mother Sabrina’s and Battle Nun’s illustrations without weapons
Melissa points to her books when you are looking for the “eye of Beholder” spell during the quest
fix: cheat causing Juliette’s event to trigger before she is saved
fix: party menu Krwoly’s portrait
Lizzy’s heal buff
What is new:
Krowly’s stepmom added in the game. She is arriving next Sunday morning after Jill starts living with Krowly (check second floor). Her name is Samantha, and it’s just her introduction. She will get more content in the future, including sex scenes and the quest.
For now she has some dialogues, a schedule, clothed and naked illustration, possibility to cook with her, to stare at her boobs and to catch her naked.
She also has relationship system, including cheat in the cheat room, and “stepmom” system similar to the “stepsis” system for Jill, or the one for Jenna.
Hope you will like her
Gardening update
The gardening system were rewritten to work via scripts.
Krowly now can work on the field only if there is at least one full grown plant.
You don’t need to work on the field for the plants to grow anymore. Only watering is required, and considering rain, you can just plant seeds and they will grow eventually without your attention.
When you work on the field the chance of getting “ingredients for sale” depends on the number of the full grown plants and your gardening skill.
1 plant – 33% chance to get “ingredients for sale”
2 plants – 66%
3 plants – 100%
more then 3 plants gives a chance to get and extra “ingredients for sale”, which means more money. The formula is +30%/100*(skill) for each plant, so the more plants the better. If you have say 5 plants you can even get 5 “ingredients for sale”, but you will have to be super lucky.
Each full grown plant will drop at least one seed when harvested, and has a chance to drop extra one, depending on your gardening skill.
New scenes:
Futa elf buttfuck. Can be triggered when you win a battle with her, or as a massage in the spa
Rayna topless. Has a chance to happen when you help her in the smithy
Battle nun titfuck. Has a chance to be triggered when you lose to her. +variant in the monastery. Talk to the nun outside at the evening.
Stepmom naked. Friday and Sunday night, her bedroom, after her arrival
Staring on stepmom`s boobs, mini scene. Talk to her when she is with Jill in the tavern
New pictures:
Futa elf buttfuck. 8 variants
Rayna topless
Battle nun titfuck 4 variants
Battle nun covered in sperm
Stepmom + naked variant and portraits
Small things:
Decoration elements. A statue and small ruin in the snake girls’ area, a tapestry with busty nun in the monastery and another one with two kissing girls in the church ruins (hunt dungeon). Most pixel portraits on the walls in the village got bigger boobs.
A bug where Melissa always had dick in her buttfuck scene. I hope now it’s fixed
What is new:
New quest. Save before starting the quest. Some part of it can be completed in a different ways, so you may want to reload the save to check out the options.
To start the quest help Fina at the morning after completing the Tea with Milk quest. Also to start the quest Eric should have Mighty sword equipped. He gets it at hunt where you met the Priestess at the end of random generated dungeon with puzzles
Spoiler info about the quest is here.
Carla’s cumflation. Make Big Load potion, fuck Carla in the pussy or ass and enjoy her with big pregnant looking belly. Proper illustration will be shown in her pussyfuking and nipplefucking scene. The effect stays on for 3 days. Potion recipe can be obtained during the quest with Juliette.
Juliette can join topless Friday. Look at Alice dancing topless and then talk to Juliette. You will need 30 relationship points with both Alice and Juliette.
Agnieszka can join topless Friday. Next Friday after Juliette joining the topless Friday go look for Jason at the evening. 10 relationship points with Agnieszka is required
Lust and hunger UI bars are now working properly. In the past they were just gradually changing, but now they are properly changing their length according to the exact amount of lust or hunger you have. It’s probably simple thing for somebody, but I’m proud of it ^^
New scenes:
A few scenes during the quest :)
Updated scenes:
Pregnant goblin girl buttfuck – illustrations added. Scene was already in game, can be triggered randomly when you help Maruna to repopulate the goblin tribe
Carla’s pussyfucking scene – cumflation variants added.
Carla’s nipplefuck scene – cumflation variants added.
New pictures:
Pregnant goblin girl buttfuck (+11 variants).
Alice’s topless dance on the table. Can be seen during the topless Friday if Alice is dancing on the table.
Carla character illustration with big belly. + topless variant.
Carla’s pussyfucking scene big belly variants
Carla’s nipplefuck scene big belly variants
Updated pictures:
Melissa oral scene (+15 variants)
Jenna’s oral illustrations. Small face update
Small thing:
Small change to Eric’s portraits
Change of how Elizabeth Darkwood is playing the music by request.
New pixel sprite for Elizabeth Darkwood when she is playing music. Done by Criss.
New pixel sprite for Agnieszka. Done by Criss, who contacted me on twitter.
New script for Return and Meditation spells
Infinite titfuck with Eric.
Learning Wicked Mind spell from Meril multiple times.
Once again, mushrooms were not respawning. It’s like 5th time I think.
A huge amount of other bugs and text problems.
UPD: Hotfix 1 is uploaded. It fixes the scarecrow bug at the beginning on the quest at some days of the week.
UPD2: Hotfix 2 is uploaded. It fixes the bug with Eric after completing the quest.
UPD3: Hotfix 3 is up. It fixes the bug where new quest can’t be started if the labyrinth dungeon was finished and a few other bugs
What is new:
New quest. Save before starting the quest. Some part of it can be completed in a different ways, so you may want to reload the save to check out the options.
To start the quest help Fina at the morning after completing the Tea with Milk quest. Also to start the quest Eric should have Mighty sword equipped. He gets it at hunt where you met the Priestess at the end of random generated dungeon with puzzles
Spoiler info about the quest is here.
Carla’s cumflation. Make Big Load potion, fuck Carla in the pussy or ass and enjoy her with big pregnant looking belly. Proper illustration will be shown in her pussyfuking and nipplefucking scene. The effect stays on for 3 days. Potion recipe can be obtained during the quest with Juliette.
Juliette can join topless Friday. Look at Alice dancing topless and then talk to Juliette. You will need 30 relationship points with both Alice and Juliette.
Agnieszka can join topless Friday. Next Friday after Juliette joining the topless Friday go look for Jason at the evening. 10 relationship points with Agnieszka is required
Lust and hunger UI bars are now working properly. In the past they were just gradually changing, but now they are properly changing their length according to the exact amount of lust or hunger you have. It’s probably simple thing for somebody, but I’m proud of it ^^
New scenes:
A few scenes during the quest :)
Updated scenes:
Pregnant goblin girl buttfuck – illustrations added. Scene was already in game, can be triggered randomly when you help Maruna to repopulate the goblin tribe
Carla’s pussyfucking scene – cumflation variants added.
Carla’s nipplefuck scene – cumflation variants added.
New pictures:
Pregnant goblin girl buttfuck (+11 variants).
Alice’s topless dance on the table. Can be seen during the topless Friday if Alice is dancing on the table.
Carla character illustration with big belly. + topless variant.
Carla’s pussyfucking scene big belly variants
Carla’s nipplefuck scene big belly variants
Updated pictures:
Melissa oral scene (+15 variants)
Jenna’s oral illustrations. Small face update
Small thing:
Small change to Eric’s portraits
Change of how Elizabeth Darkwood is playing the music by request.
New pixel sprite for Elizabeth Darkwood when she is playing music. Done by Criss.
New pixel sprite for Agnieszka. Done by Criss, who contacted me on twitter.
New script for Return and Meditation spells
Infinite titfuck with Eric.
Learning Wicked Mind spell from Meril multiple times.
Once again, mushrooms were not respawning. It’s like 5th time I think.
A huge amount of other bugs and text problems.
UPD: Hotfix 1 is uploaded. It fixes the scarecrow bug at the beginning on the quest at some days of the week.
UPD2: Hotfix 2 is uploaded. It fixes the bug with Eric after completing the quest.
UPD3: Hotfix 3 is up. It fixes the bug where new quest can’t be started if the labyrinth dungeon was finished and a few other bugs
What is new:
Tea party is now repeatable event every Wednesday day time. Talk to Melissa to go in tea club. It has new funny dialogues, option for Melissa to grow huge boobs and play with them, repeatable scene with Velena. Sandra has a couple of random reactions on Krowly’s behavior. Option “keep company” will end the event, so check everything before choosing it.
Option to help Sebastian at Sunday day time. It may trigger a buttfuck scene or oral scene. Some of the characters may catch you in action (random). Also the shop may be visited by Sister Elizabeth or Jenna (random). First time Sebastian will give player a bottle of wine (new player will need it for Iss), other times – 10 gold.
Buttfuck scene with Sebastian uses small windowed illustration. It’s a test. I think things like this can be used as placeholders in the scenes that don’t have unique illustrations yet. Let me know what do you think about it :)
Work for goblins. (after “lost delivery” quest) Maruna, goblin chief, got a name and portraits, and now offering the work. You can agree to fuck her goblin girls in exchange for gold. Your client goblin girl can be default goblin girl, the big one or the pregnant one. Goblin girl will choose what hole she want your dick in and where she wants your sperm. (existed scenes are used, with changed dialogues.)
Goblin girl:
pussy fuck (finish inside, in mouth or on face);
buttfuck (finish inside, in mouth or on face).
Big goblin girl:
Pregnant goblin girl:
buttfuck (no illustration for now).
If Krowly’s lust was at max level the game will show extra cut-scene after the fucking is done.
New scenes:
Sister Elizabeth titfuck (Wednesday evening, 30+ Relationship Points);
Alice pussyfucking. Help her at the morning and dance with her at the evening, 50+ RP; Alice starts lactating if you suck her boobs 5 or more times.
Sebastian fucks Krowly’s butt (no illustration for now);
Sebastian fucks Krowly’s mouth (no illustration for now).
Updated scenes:
Velena nipplefuck (illustrations +repeatable variant);
Buttfuck with Leaf (option to tease).
New pictures:
Sister Elizabeth titfuck +3 variants;
Naked Alice +1 variants;
Alice pussyfucking +7 variants;
Topless Velena;
Velena nipplefuck +9 variants.
Updated pictures:
Leaf’s buttfuck illustrations +gaping butthole variant;
Sebastian’s face update.
Small things:
Maruna bathing at evening in her room (Monday, Wednesday and Friday);
Taisha visits her goblin friends at Tuesday day time;
Pregnant goblin girl pixel sprite update;
Maruna and goblin shaman pixel sprite update;
New pixel sprite for busty fairies;
Number of fingers on big goblin girl titfuck illustrations is fixed.
Hotfix 2 is uploaded. It fixes Eric's, Jenna's, Alice's and Jessie's schedule, busty bandit in the snake girls' location and a few other problems
Hotfix1 was uploaded (I will be naming versions like "0.342.0.1" instead of "0.342 hotfix1"). It fixes the problem with Eric sprite at rainy morning and some text problems
What s new:
New quest with Juliette.
After completing the quest busty variants of the bandits can be met in the world or during the events.
At Tuesday and Sunday evening there is an orgy in the bandits’ hideout.
In the future it will be possible for Krowly to join.
New scenes:
• Busty bandit fucks Krowly. Cowgirl pose. No illustration for now.
• Bandits fucks their busty boss. Tuesday and Sunday evening, bandits’ hideout.
New pictures:
• Flying dick enemy battler illustration
• Busty butt bandit character illustration variant (bigger boobs)
• Busty masked bandit character illustration variant (smaller boobs)
Small thing:
• In the new quest dungeons
◦ New sexy statue as a decoration
◦ New lore book.
◦ Hidden dialogue/joke. Let me know if you will find it :D
Changelog Version 0.338.1 Hotfix 1
New scenes:
Carla’s nipplefuck scene. Can be triggered for the first time via her chat menu if the relationship with her is higher then 25. After that it becomes accessible via flirt menu. Starts the quests that will be added in the future.
Eric fucks Jenna in the butt. The variant of Jenna’s full nelson scene with Eric. Uses same illustrations. Sunday’s morning in Jenna’s barn, before the Sunday sermon ;)
New pictures:
Carla’s nipplefuck scene +3 variants
Eric fucks Jenna in the butt + 3 variants
Juliette naked +variant
Juliette in a black lingeie +variant
Juliette titfuck naked +2 variants
Juliette titfuck lingerie +2 variants
Updated scenes:
Jenna and Eric at night. Added illustrations and sound effects.
«Defeat» status now will be auto removed after battle. There was a issue where it wasn’t possible to heal defeated party member even if you have potions. Now should work.
Mushroom respawn is fixed. Again.
In the event with the abandoned church and battle nuns the entrance to the church is now hidden.
Small things:
Krowly’s house got a new look. I’m working on adding second floor to it, but for now only the outside part is ready. For now it’s not matching the inside look (it’s surprisingly hard to draw good looking tiles). In the future we will get a quest to restore the second floor.
Version 0.338.1
Juliette’s outfit system. Now you can change Juliette’s outfit when she’s is following you. As Rose or Eric, she can be wearing her normal clothes, nothing, or black lingerie. The game will automatically change her sprite, illustration, and portraits in all the dialogues. Also the game will be showing matching illustrations in her titfuck scene.
NOTE: If you’re using old save your Juliette will become naked. To fix it talk to her copy in the cheat room (right down corner of Krowly’s basement)
New randomized dungeon. New dungeon is possible to visit during the hunt if you already completed the first randomized dungeon (the one with Priestess in the last room).
It has new type of puzzles (inspired by the game Immortals Fenyx Rising).
The layout of the dungeon stays the same, but the enemies, loot spawn, exit location and the location of the lever to open the exit are randomized.
It means that you can be unlucky and meet a horde of enemies but no loot xD. Or vice versa.
It also has hidden reference that I found funny. Let me know if you will find it.
This dungeon is the part of Eric’s part of the story.
New scenes:
Carla’s nipplefuck scene. Can be triggered for the first time via her chat menu if the relationship with her is higher then 25. After that it becomes accessible via flirt menu. Starts the quests that will be added in the future.
Eric fucks Jenna in the butt. The variant of Jenna’s full nelson scene with Eric. Uses same illustrations. Sunday’s morning in Jenna’s barn, before the Sunday sermon 😉
New pictures:
Carla’s nipplefuck scene +3 variants
Eric fucks Jenna in the butt + 3 variants
Juliette naked +variant
Juliette in a black lingeie +variant
Juliette titfuck naked +2 variants
Juliette titfuck lingerie +2 variants
Updated scenes:
Jenna and Eric at night. Added illustrations and sound effects.
«Defeat» status now will be auto removed after battle. There was a issue where it wasn’t possible to heal defeated party member even if you have potions. Now should work.
Mushroom respawn is fixed. Again.
In the event with the abandoned church and battle nuns the entrance to the church is now hidden.
Small things:
Krowly’s house got a new look. I’m working on adding second floor to it, but for now only the outside part is ready. For now it’s not matching the inside look (it’s surprisingly hard to draw good looking tiles). In the future we will get a quest to restore the second floor.
Version 0.336
What s new:
Eric’s outfits. Now you can change Eric’s outfit during the hunt. He can be wearing his normal clothes, nothing, or black lingerie. The game will automatically change his sprite, illustration, and portraits in all the dialogues. In the future I’m planning to add relationship requirements and his reactions.
Melissa’s quest (+2 new characters). New quest with Melissa that can be started after the quest with magic circle. Talk to her. It focused on the dialogues and lore info, and preparing the background for the future events. The part of the quests can be solved in several different ways. I suggest you to make a separate save before starting the quest so you will be sure that you won’t miss side content.
The TXT file in the attachments contains spoiler info about the quest.
New scenes:
rimjob scene with Jaina in the spa by Idler. No illustration.
oral scene with Drunk Orc. No illustration.
nipplefuck scene. No illustration.
New pictures:
battle background for deserted areas
character illustration for Old man Jason
Fairy scene (bukakke variant)
Melissa huge breasts variant +bimbo lips variant +portraits
character illustration for Velena
character illustration for Sandra
Version 0.335.5
What s new:
Girls’ voices: Several lines and a bunch of sound reactions for Alice, Astra, Juliette, Fina and Sister Elizabth. Oolay-Tiger was directing this small project. I also added the option to disable the voices in the settings menu.
Lust for Jaina and Rose: The lust mechanic now works for Jaina and Rose too. They can be target of lust attacks from monstergirl, they can drink lust potion and become aroused.
When their lust reach 300 they will submit in battle. When Jaina’s lust is higher then 200 she stops obeying your orders in battle.
Both girl have sex menu during the hunt and will also ask for sex when their lust is too high.
New scenes:
pixel scene with Derek and Taisha (Tuesday or Friday night)
pixel scene with Jason and Agneshka (Saturday night)
pixel scene with Wine Merchan and Elf (Tuesday or Thursday night)
pixel scene with two goblins by Harlekin (Wednesday or Sunday night)
scene with Jaina during the hunt by Harlekin (illustrations from the spa scene)
rimjob scene with Lizzy by Bearyama (no illustrations). Has a 20% chance to be triggered when Krowly is playing with himself at night. (SFX by Oolay Tiger)
Updated scenes:
Buttfuck with Juliette. Now you can choose to finish inside her or to pull out and finish all over her
New pictures:
Scene with Fina under waterfall. Butt or pussy (8 variants)
Variants for the buttfuck scene with Juliette (3 variants)
Updated pictures:
Updated illustrations for scene with a goblin girl (5 variants)
Conlan’s face update
Alice’s morning scene. Small fixes
Dereks illustration. Small update
Small things:
If busty Krowly is lactating the milk will be shown when he is playing with himself at night.
A small scene with Diana and Wine Merchant (Monday morning)
A couple new lines for party dialogues by Harlekin
Jason talking about Taisha in the tavern. Idea by Harlekin
Jenna’s reaction on Krowly’s session with Jaina in the spa
Jenna has an illustration in the spa now
Wine Merchant visiting the spa
Krowly’s mentioning green pussy for Derek to help players with the quest.
Krowly’s mentioning the window in the spa to help players with the quest.
If Krowly has boobs when he first time lose to the bandit trying to save Juliette it now shows busty illustrations.
The rain is now working right.
The old time bug with mouse when you was able to run over the event after triggering it now is fixed (like with the monster trap)
Some bugs when Krowly is meditating in wrong places now are fixed.
Version 0.335 Hotfix 2
Sebastian't quest - the "lost delivery" quest can be finished now ^^ After starting the quest go to the goblin caves and find the goblins' village. Or go the the Orcs' camp first.
This quest leads to the two other quest lines, with the new lab for Krowly and with the new wife for Derek. These quest lines isn't ready yet, but we made a big step forward.
Secret quest - read the attached file for info. Don't read it if you want to avoid spoilers.
New enemies - the bandits. Butt bandit from the beginning of the game get an illustration, new tricks and a band (and a small event on the hunt). Masked bandits will be roaming around "the rocks" area. In the future they will get their own location and more events.
New monster - Gelatinous cube. The battle with him can be a bit tricky. It will require the luck, or the proper preparation ;)
New locations:
Orcs' camp
Goblins' village
Deep tonnels
Derek's house (reopen)
New pictures:
Goblins caves battle background
Gelatinous cube
Butt bandit +portraits
Masked bandit (variant)
Goblin leader (variant)
3 orcs' variants
Small things:
Derek was slightly updated as a character. He is now fishing at some times of the day. A few lines about his backstory were added to his house (it's open now). And his horse get the stables.
Version 0.334
Eric now has his own level of lust. When his lust level is too high he will become weaker in battles or even will be defeated automatically (when his lust is 300)
In the battle Eric can be a target of the monstergirls’ lust attacks and he will gain lust form it. He is loosing lust every night or when he is fucking monstergirls with Krowly or having other sex scenes.
Krowly has several options to help Eric stay battle ready. If your “Gay scenes” switch is set to OFF in the setting menu you will see only the last two of them.
It sounds simple but it required a lot of work from me xD
If everything will be working fine, I’m planning to add lust levels for Rose and Jaina too.
New event during the hunt where you can test new lust mechanic and enjoy a scene with Juliette (can be triggered only if you already meet Juliette during the hunt)
New pictures:
Sex with Agneshka (+ busty Krowly variant)
Agneshka’s pussy (+ cum variant)
Juliette in the trap (5 variants)
Lizzy’s feeding scene (4 variants)
Alice topless bukakke
Krowly sucking Melissa’s dick (the variant of pussyeating illustration) (+ cum variant)
New scenes:
Sex with Agneshka (relationship with her should be at least 30)
Juliette in the trap (during the hunt)
Lizzy’s feeding scene
Krowly sucking Melissa’s dick (the variant of pussyeating scene)
Updated scenes:
Anal and vaginal scenes with Carla (by Kalas)
The scene with Mabel (by Kalas)
Small things:
Slimes’ terror new icon
Portraits for Lizzy
Portraits for Agneshka
Pixelart animation for Krowly fucking a slime
Alice’s anal scene is now accessible during the topless friday (Now we can see her topless and covered in cum)
Some events during the hunt when you choose to leave now start random event from the roser instead of “fighting slimes till the evening”
Version 0.333.2
Status menu now shows a lot more information, including active state effects for all party members. I used a Ace Status Menu v1.02 by Yanfly with some changes to make it possible. It didn’t show state effects, so I had to write small additional kinda script by myself xD It is the first step to give Eric and other party members their own lust meter, so they would become a possible target for monstergirls’ lust attack.
By summoning succubus Meril and having sex with her you are getting some temporary bonuses.
Krowly now can play a tomb raider in the new dungeon in the Elven forest with secret reward (new useful item). It’s not a quest and totally optional.
The scene with Krowly sucking futa elf’s dick is now animated. Should be working both in the forest and in the Spa.
New pictures:
Astra anal +variants (visit her at the morning when she is naked. requires 50 relationship points)
Busty elf titfuck +7 variants
Additional variants for Sister Elizabeth anal scene
Additional variants for the scene with Krowly loosing to Futa elf
Updated pictures:
Carla’s back side
Sister Elizabeth anal scene
New scenes:
Astra’s anal scene
Busty elf’s titfuck scene with lactation option
Updated scenes:
Sister Elizabeth anal scene – bukakke option and improved dialogues (by Kalas)
Small things:
A book with some lore info in Krowly’s house. I wanted to add more lore information in this update, but it’s hard.
A few more lines for Diana and Conlan
Slimes battle and spawn tweaks
Lamias battle tweaks (new moves)
Fairies are smaller now
Strong health potions heal poison now.
Fixed bugs:
Reducto potion should be working now
Version 0.332.5
First Random generated dungeon for the hunt with Eric. When you enter the dungeon it choose three middle sections from the 9 possible variants, so the dungeon will look different when you visit it next time (27 possible combinations, 11 different rooms).
New monster-girl – busty elf. (can be met only on the hunt for now) She has no sex scenes yet.
Random rewards for the dungeons.
Small dungeon with elves for the hunt with Eric.
Ancient urn summons a ghost girl when activated.
Futa spa update. Visit it at Saturday evening.
Super small quest with Elizabeth Darkwood.
New skill for lvl5 (if your save file is old, use the books on the Krowly’s table in his bedroom)
Krowly can meditate to change the time of the day, lower the lust level, and restore some mana.
Fully grown plants on the field now gives you a chance to gather more ingredients every day.
Most likely, a lot of bugs :D
New pictures:
Topless Jill
Busty Krowly variants for Jill’s anal scene
Back view variant for Jill’s anal scene
Juliette paizuri (+2 variants)
Elizabeth Darkwood facial scene (+ cum variant)
Naked Jaina (+ hard variant)
Variants of Krowly’s masturbation scene with Eric
Updated pictures:
Krowly’s masturbation scene
New scenes:
Juliette paizuri
Elizabeth Darkwood facial
Anal with Eric
Scene with Fina and elfes is now repeatable
Scene with Melissa is now repeatable.
Small things:
Agnieszka’s reaction on busty Krowly
Extended first dialogue in the tavern for Juliette (you should start a new game to see it.)
Small event with Juliette on the hunt with Eric
Changelog Version 0.331 Hotfix
What’s new:
New quest! If you finished succubus summoning quest, talk with Sebastian or Carla.
New character - Elizabeth Darkwood.
Slime girl scene is now animated.
New "slime repellent" potion. Use it and slimes will avoid you for a while. Check the slime cave to find the recipe. You still can attack slimes.
New "boobs potion". Guess what it does? :D Yes, Krowly now can grow boobs during gameplay, not via cheats. Use it again to get rid of boobs. Learn how to make this potion during the quest.
ALT now used to skip dialogues instead of SHIFT
New pictures:
Fina's gangbang;
Fairy big belly variant;
Cumshot panels for scenes with Carla and Juliette;
Elizabeth Darkwood (+ topless variant);
Krowly and Melissa;
Krowly fucking slime (edit).
Updated pictures:
Rose in the waterfall;
Slime girl scene;
Krowly sneak masturbation cum variants.
New scenes:
Fina's gangbang scene;
(I'll make it repeatable in the future) Krowly and Melissa;
(I'll make it repeatable in the future) Krowy fucking slime.
Small things:
Lizzy now can accumulate the magic from the cum you give her. The more you feed her, the more times she can help in batltle. Feed her two times and she will help you two times till she will need to be fed again.
You can pay Elizabeth Darkwood to play music for you.
GILF filter in the settings menu. Small scene with Sebastian (It's just a beginning).
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