4MinuteWarning - Ravager New Version 4.3.13

Language: English, German, French, Russian, Hungarian, Chinese
New Version 4.3.13
Censored: No
1. Extract and run.
We all know the story: Hero emerges from humble beginnings, slays the tyrannical dragon, and ushers in a new era of peace and prosperity. But here, it’s the other way around. Ravager is a game where you play a young dragon, determined to reclaim their birthright. To do so, you will need to build your power, ally with dark forces, evade justice, and whet your bestial appetites. The game currently spans the first three chapters of the story: from your birth to your confrontation with the Regent’s huntress. It has a nonlinear plot, with many significant choices to make (and fun to have) along the way.
Version 5 continues production, and it is accelerating quickly – I can now be pretty sure that it will be ready sometime in the second quarter of this year. Until it is released, you will keep on getting monthly updates, with everything we’ve added to Acts I-IV.
MVP of this build is Lubbio, for producing some really very beautiful remasters of his previous work. Honorable mention also to MayaFae, for extending her contributions into the realm of splash art!
Dynamic: Young Malice wants to help with one of Malagar’s experiments (Dreamweaver choice, collab with Mattrex).
Fate: Sabetha & Inej’s protean fate (collab with Null).
Art: Chanwe’s change of faith, remastered (Lubbio).
Art: Marie-Anne’s reunion with Sebastian, remastered (Lubbio).
Art: Marie-Anne’s tale, remastered (Lubbio).
Art: Mina’s forced scenes, remastered (three variants, Lubbio).
Art: Sabetha and Inej’s shared speaking emote (Irrelevant Art).
Art: The infernal preparation for the assault on Pale Rock (MayaFae).
Art: The protean preparation for the assault on Pale Rock (MayaFae).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Malagar (Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Zizeryx (Amon Ra).
Voice: Adeline’s discussion about herself (Act V only, Marina Montague).
Voice: Several retakes for Maelys’s plan to fix everything (Catkit).
Voice: Maelys’s part in Darja’s visit (Catkit).
Voice: Maelys’s part in Marie-Anne’s visit (Catkit).
Voice: Rhyll’s part in the followup to Valzira’s fate (GreyScale).
Translation: Brazilian Portuguese, interface and up to the end of Act I (raptureDream).
Translation: Improved UI for languages that don’t use the Roman alphabet (Holo & Tosk).
Translation: Fresh translations for menu options that have been added in recent versions (Soulphase et al).
Ziz’s animations are temporarily uncensored, whilst we await the delivery of a new censor bar.
Game credits have been updated.
Maelys will no longer stand in front of her own CGs during her severance.
Partially completed Spanish translation files have been removed, to prevent blank lines of text.
Viewing Marie-Anne’s ‘Down Boy’ scene in Act IV no longer gives you the urge for walkies outside your lair.
Descriptors for Treasure are more consistent, and update more consistently.
Various adjustments to dialogue, to align with voice recording.
And everything found in the playtest. Thank you, playtesters!
Dev Notes
While Act V continues development, we have another update for you! This one features a whole new quest line, and continues our artists’ hard work to upgrade our aesthetics.
MVP of this build is Undoodle, who put an extraordinary amount of work into their debut as our new splash artist. Thank you, supporters, for continuing to expand the horizons of what we can do!
Quest: Mina hatches plans for a heist in Act III (Dreamweaver choice, collab with Var).
Fate: A followup to Marie-Anne’s protean fate (collab with Null).
Art: Our first piece of splash art – the showdown with Balthorne (Undoodle).
Art: Maelys’s centaur encounter, remastered (Lubbio).
Art: Marie-Anne’s rough captive scene, remastered (Lubbio).
Art: Naho’s puppygirl anal scene, remastered (Lubbio).
Art: Naho’s wolf encounter, remastered (Lubbio).
Art: Naho’s visit to Breaker, remastered (Lubbio).
Art: Malagar’s portrait and emotes, redesigned (Irrelevant Art).
Art: A variant of Malagar’s character art to show off his new gauntlet (Irrelevant Art).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Mother (two variants, Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Naho (two variants, Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Petruk (Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Rain (Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Rhyll (Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Valzira (three variants, Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for the kobolds (Amon Ra).
Voice: Adeline’s transitions from the Balthorne showdown to her new lodgings (Marina).
Voice: The beginning of Maelys’s plan to fix everything (Catkit).
Voice: Maelys’s initial response to denial (Catkit).
Voice: Rhyll gearing up with Bessie (GreyScale).
Voice: Rhyll’s part in the assault on Pale Rock (GreyScale).
Voice: Rhyll’s part in Operation Donkey Balls (GreyScale).
Voice: Rhyll’s part in the followups for Chanwe and Issa’s mercenary fates (GreyScale).
Translation: German Act 2 lowlands (Grimreaper & Bigil).
UI: The presplash screen has been updated.
UI: The windows icon has been updated to match our current version.
Version 4.3.6:
Dev Notes
We are working hard on Act V! Which means that much of what we’ve done can’t be shown until it’s all ready. But we haven’t forgotten you – we’ll continue to push out updates for the rest of the game while Act V is under construction.
This month sees the (numerous) fruits of Amon Ra’s labours as a newly full-time animator, and the first of Julia’s original writing. Thank you to everyone who backed us, or bought a copy on Steam, for allowing us to grow.
MVP of this build is Julia, for adopting our long-neglected kobold, and breathing some exciting new life into him.
Scene: Marie-Anne and Mina meet to share their secrets – and your own contributions (Dreamweaver choice, collaboration with Garoompahfah and Julia).
Scene: Repeatable scenes for Issa (two variants, collaboration with Julia).
Fate: A followup scene to Issa’s mercenary fate. (collaboration with Julia).
Dynamic: A special last night for your kitty consorts, if you have a daughter. You will need to replay this section if you want Act V to take it into account (collaboration with Garoompahfah).
Dynamic: You can inform Malagar that you have eaten Valzira (collaboration with Mattrex).
Art: Marie-Anne and Mina sharing the load (Lubbio).
Art: Issa’s oral services (Lubbio).
Art: Maelys’s plan to fix everything (Lubbio).
Art: The last variant of Maelys’s post-severence scene (Lubbio).
Art: A confused emote for Darja (four variants, Irrelevant Art).
Art: Revised and expanded portraits and emotes for Enid (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Revised and expanded portraits and emotes for Naho (Irrelevant Art).
Art: A laughing emote for Heloise (Irrelevant Art).
Art: A reflective emote for Malice (Irrelevant Art).
Art: A miffed emote for young Malice (Irrelevant Art).
Art: An angry emote for Marie-Anne (Irrelevant Art).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Chia (Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Cuchilla (Amon Ra).
Animation: Idle animations for Cuchilla, possessed variant (Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Darja (Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Darja, nude variant (Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Darja, princess variant (Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Eburon (Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Enid (Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Heloise (Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Heloise, bound variants (Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Heloise, corrupted variant (Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Heloise, pregnant variant (Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Inej (Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Malice (Amon Ra).
Animation: Revised and expanded idle animations for Sabetha (Amon Ra).
Animation: Resized idle animations for the centaur stallion and young Malice (Amon Ra).
Lair events can trigger after using the bath-house in Act IV, if there are any pending.
The Act III finale will reflect your current location when it begins.
The cost of attacking the swamps with Malagar has been reduced slightly.
Music transitions better during Maelys’s severed scenes.
If you eat Heloise after being expressly told not to, Ziz will want nothing to do with you.
Fixed a bug in the Steam release, where persistent information may be incorrectly overwritten by the patching process.
Dreaming will no longer (sometimes) confuse your save names.
Drakesgard are less prone to partial invisibility and black boxes.
‘English’ will no longer appear highlighted when you have another language selected.
Heloïse and Maëlys’s names are accented more consistently in the game.
Maelys wears her story-appropriate outfits during gallery replays.
Proper content flags have been added to some of Maelys and Marie-Anne’s scenes in the gallery.
Marie-Anne and Mina can open their mouths more easily when naked.
Attacking the swamps with Malagar can trigger the Deja Vu achievement.
You cannot visit Gutter’s Cove when you should be staying away from it.
Dev Notes
Our first proper update since Steam launch! This one is big on dynamic scenes, updated art, and other delights.
MVP of this build is Tosk, for finally conquering the engine’s limits, and delivering us truly smooth animations.
Performance: Another huge performance improvement – one that should herald the end of the black box forever (Tosk).
Scene: Sabetha & Inej can get the ropes out when they’re your consorts. Lucky Sabetha! (collab with Garoompahfah).
Dynamic: Young Malice hangs out with the mercenaries (Dreamweaver request, collab with Mattrex).
Dynamic: Young Malice spends some quality time with her cosmic godmother (Dreamweaver request, collab with Mattrex).
Dynamic: A new consort skit with Sabetha & Inej, exploring their origins (collab with Garoompahfah).
Dynamic: if Malagar appears while Darja is unhappy or gifted to a horde, you will have an opportunity to correct your prior misjudgement.
Dynamic: Issa finds an ancient treasure (collab with Maya Fae and Julia).
Fate: A followup to Marie-Anne’s infernal fate (collab with Var and Julia).
Art: Sabetha and Inej split the winnings (Lubbio).
Art: Mina’s kobold shift change (Lubbio).
Art: Valzira’s egg-laying (Lubbio).
Art: Images for Naho’s petrification (adapted from Lubbio).
Art: Issa’s character art, maid dress variant (lovestruckbear).
Art: 4MinuteWarning’s character art (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Updated character art for Mother (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Updated character art for Eburon (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Emotes for Maelys, new dress variant (Irrelevant Art).
Art: New emotes for Mother and Eburon (Irrelevant Art).
Animation: Rhyll’s animated idles (Amon Ra).
Achievements: A whole bunch of new achievements have been added (Tosk).
Roost redecoration scenes will always trigger if you change consort during Act IV. As a side effect, this means they will trigger a second time if you reload midway through an old save.
Asking Marie-Anne for shelter in Act II will allow you to peacefully recruit her in Act III.
Malice’s last night will play out differently if Valzira is her mother, or the words of power have not been encountered.
Sprites for Issa, Malagar, Mother, and Zizeryx have been tweaked so that they are in proportion with other characters (Painted artstyle only, for now).
Maelys’s animated battle poses have been converted to the more modern ‘stripped’ state.
Malice can be given a complimentary name when Heloise asks for it.
Chanwe no longer takes her robes off when visiting her at the convent.
All character images are reset to their default state at the start of the character AMA.
Darja’s Infernal Fate has been renamed as ‘The Dragon Princess’.
Splitting The Winnings and Shift Change have been added to the gallery.
Numerous improvements to visual and audio direction.
Translations will revert to English once you reach the end of the work in progress.
You may revert to English manually after picking a translation.
Fixed a rare error that would unlock all achievements.
Sabetha’s oral animations are properly proportioned.
It is no longer possible to ‘escape’ the replay from Valzira’s vaginal scene.
Resolved a fringe inconsistency with gifting Heloise to the Infernals before her pregnancy is confirmed.
Broodmother’s gallery entry has been fixed and should unlock properly.
Petruk will stop appearing if he is dead.
Petruk’s successor will no longer occasionally inherit his name.
Time will pass when capturing Chanwe, Cooch, and Mina.
You will gain Strength if you eat Issa after his encounter with Naho.
You will gain Potency if you pursue the new option with Valzira.
Cooch will remember to visit the beach during your Last Night with her.
Several lines have been split to prevent overlapping the textbox.
And everything found in the playtest! Thank you, playtesters!
Dev Notes
I have been busy getting ready for our upcoming release on Steam. But not so busy that you’ll miss out on an update! This one features oodles of dynamic scenes, lots of new art, and a great deal of tidying up under the bonnet.
Congratulations to Irrelevant Art, who joins us a full-time character artist! Expect many more beautiful revamps, costume changes, and new emotes in the months to come.
MVP of this build is Tosk (again), for doing a deep dive to find and fix our more obscure bugs, and for working like a demon to get this tested and fixed on time.
Dynamic: you can now give Maelys some new clothes, courtesy of Marie-Anne (Dreamweaver choice, collab with Garoompahfah).
Dynamic: If Cuchilla is your consort, she knows how to comfort you after a long day (collab with Garoompahfah).
Dynamic: Cuchilla speaks to Malagar about alchemical entrepreneurship (collab with Garoompahfah).
Dynamic: Cuchilla pays a visit to her old friend Valzira (collab with Garoompahfah).
Fate: You can find out how Maelys is doing, after gifting her to the wolfmen (collab with Var and Issy).
Fate: You can find out how Heloise is doing, after gifting her to the wolfmen (collab with Var and Issy).
Art: Sabetha’s revenge (Lubbio).
Art: Heloise’s weakness (two variants, Lubbio).
Art: A messy variant of Darja’s princess outfit (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Darja’s character art has been retouched (three variants, Irrelevant Art).
Art: Maelys’s character art, new dress edition (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Maelys’s standard character art has been redone (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Maelys’s emotes have been updated to match her new look (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Valzira’s emotes have been retouched and expanded (Irrelevant Art).
Animation: Naho’s defeat, sunny side up, is our newest animated scene (Amon Ra).
Animation: Variant idles for Zizeryx (Amon Ra).
Voice: Darja’s final night as a consort, interrupted (Suki).
Voice: Darja’s infernal fate followup (Suki).
Voice: Darja’s mercenary fate (Suki).
UI: The Gallery will now display hints on how to unlock scenes, by mouse-hovering over them. (Tosk)
Some content preferences have been renamed, to be as descriptive and accurate as possible.
It will no longer be possible to view a scene in the Gallery if your content preferences have since been changed to disallow it. The game will let you know if this is the case.
A redundant skit where Heloise asks you about your encounter with babby Malice has been removed.
If you have the Intersex flag disabled, you will not be able to see Ziz’s junk.
Some background flags have been added to support upcoming content better.
Voice talent, and other people you can hire for your own projects, have had their websites linked in the Gallery and Credits.
A link to our Steam page has been added to the main menu. Please wishlist us!
The developer interview has been updated.
A major spring clean has been done, with the help of some automated bugfinding tools (RenPy developers, use Lint!). There are far too many to list here, but hopefully we’ve removed all of the more obscure errors.
A placeholder sound effect has been removed, pending replacement.
Assorted improvements to screen direction, text, and other small details.
…and everything found during our playtests. Thank you, playtesters!
Dev Notes
We have begun work on the next major update! But there are still plenty more shiny things to add to our existing content, and this build shows off a fair few of them.
MVP of this build is Tosk, who put in a couple of really late nights to coordinate playtesting, and get the release ready in good shape.
Scene: A special proposition from Heloise, if you’ve been neglecting your duties (Dreamweaver choice, collab with Zash Gekido).
Scene: Heloise is up for a repeat of that thing you like, if she’s tried it before.
Scene: An opportunity to revisit Enid in Act IV, and see how she’s getting on (Dreamweaver choice, collab with Var).
Art: Darja’s Infernal fate (Lubbio).
Art: Marie-Anne’s story (Lubbio).
Art: Variant art for Heloise’s special proposition (Lubbio).
Art: Revised (again) portraits for Malice (Irrelevant Art).
Animation: Marie-Anne’s breeding scene (Amon Ra).
Voice: Additional voices for Eburon during Naho’s heat (Var).
Voice: Rhyll’s introduction, rerecorded and remastered (Grayscale).
Voice: Rhyll’s arrival at the lair (Grayscale).
Voice: Ziz’s part in the followup to Darja’s infernal fate (Jezebeth).
You may disable custom names in the Preferences screen. You will still be able to rename yourself, and anyone who has received Breaker’s attentions.
Naho responds appropriately if you elect not to rename her after Breaker is done.
You may ask about Enid’s wellbeing during Act III.
Marie-Anne’s “Down On The Farm” scene has been added to the gallery. Congratulations to Marie-Anne on being the first character to require more than one gallery page.
Stage direction has been improved for Naho’s heat, Darja’s infernal fate, and Marie-Anne’s story.
Game credits have been updated.
Catkit (Maelys) and Morpha (Cooch)’s entries in the credits now link you to their Twitter pages. Contact them for custom voice acting commissions!
Enid is the final member of the cast to join the ‘animated idles facing the right way’ club.
Marie-Anne’s doggy style art will display correctly if you skipped foreplay.
The test sample for the Ambient volume slider will no longer loop indefinitely.
And all the things found during our playtests. Thank you, playtesters!
Dev Notes
This is the first of two or three updates that are focused on the scenes voted on by our Dreamweaver patrons, and filling out other options we’ve wanted to add. If there’s a scene you’d like to feature in a future update, join us as a Dreamweaver and share your ideas!
MVPs of this build are Var and Garoompahfah, both of whom have forged a huge quantity of high-quality writing. This update is the tip of the iceberg they’ve created.
Scene: You may visit the catgirls again. Sabetha has an interesting proposition for you (Dreamweaver choice, collab with Garoompahfah).
Scene: Marie-Anne shares some of her more intimate history (Dreamweaver choice, collab with Var).
Fate: Heloise can be gifted to the wolfmen (collab with Var).
Fate: Heloise’s protean fate has been revised and completed (collab with Fanatisk).
Fate: Maelys can be gifted to the wolfmen (collab with Var).
Fate: You can find out how Valzira is getting on with the mercenaries (collab with Alduranissys).
Voice: Darja’s bestowal of a favour (Suki).
Voice: Ziz’s participation in Cooch, Darja, and Marie-Anne’s fates (Jezebeth).
Voice: Ziz’s part in Darja’s dragongirl followup (Jezebeth).
Art: Malice’s punishment (Lubbio).
Art: Sabetha’s backdoor break-in (Lubbio).
Art: A sad emote for Darja, you monster (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Malice’s character art, nude variant (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Malice’s emote portraits, revised (Irrelevant Art).
BG: New backgrounds for the bathhouse, war room, wolfcamp, mercenary camp, and Coldreach walls (Mortalitech).
BG: A revised background for the keep (Mortalitech).
If you are playing in Power Fantasy mode, you will no longer be forced into the ‘best’ outcome for Malice’s unexpected scene.
Babby Malice’s first interaction will trigger from the lair event queue, if you don’t initiate it yourself.
Recruiting Maelys no longer requires you to have witnessed her centaur encounter, in line with the walkthrough.
A ‘late’ variant of Heloise’s promotion has been added, to prevent her from giving birth repeatedly.
Malice’s punishment has been added to the Gallery.
Sabetha’s backdoor break-in has been added to the Gallery.
Marie-Anne’s bathing scene has updated background and sound.
The dev interview at the end of the game has been updated.
You may name your daughter Malice.
Maelys and Balthorne will no longer talk over each other.
Assorted improvements to stage direction.
And the many, many things we found during playtesting.
Plot: The assault on Pale Rock (collab with Var, MayaFae, Mattrex, Garoompahfah, Alduranissys, and Zash G).
Plot: The showdown with Regent Balthorne, and its immediate aftermath.
Scene: If you do not spend quality time with Cooch, Darja, or Marie-Anne when they’re your consort, they’ll take matters into their own hands (Dreamweaver choice, collab with Garoompahfah).
Fate: Heloise can be given to the proteans (collab with Fanatisk).
Art: Cooch’s workout (Lubbio).
Art: Mina’s Moonday present (Lubbio).
Art: Zizeryx’s ritual (Lubbio).
Art: Darja’s seduction attempt (Lubbio).
Art: Maelys’s centaur encounter, improved (Lubbio).
Art: Naho’s contribution to the cause of science, experiments one and two (Lubbio).
Art: Adeline’s character art and emotes, improved and extended (Irrelevant_Art).
Art: Cooch’s character art and emotes, improved and extended (Irrelevant_Art).
Art: Darja’s character art and emotes, improved (Irrelevant_Art).
Art: Marie-Anne’s character art and emotes, improved and extended (Irrelevant_Art).
Art: Mina’s character art and emotes, improved and extended (Irrelevant_Art).
Art: Sleeping emotes for our consorts (Irrelevant_Art).
Animation: Heloise’s bound idles (three variants, Amon Ra).
Animation: Heloise’s pregnant idles (Amon Ra).
Animation: Naho’s puppygirl idles (Amon Ra).
Animation: Valzira’s captive idles (Amon Ra).
Animation: A variant set of idles for Drakesgard officers (Amon Ra).
Voice: An assortment of new dragon dialogue (Greyscale).
Voice: Darja’s puppet show (Suki).
Voice: Eburon’s promotion (Var).
Voice: Eburon’s redecoration (Var).
Voice: Eburon’s fight (Var).
Voice: Eburon’s first two wakeup sequences (Var).
Voice: Heloise’s evening reading (Lord Gush).
Voice: Heloise’s soothing hypnosis (Lord Gush).
Voice: Heloise’s redecoration (Lord Gush).
Voice: Heloise’s final night (Lord Gush).
Voice: Heloise’s responses to your name suggestions (Lord Gush).
Voice: Heloise’s other consort dialogue (Lord Gush).
Dragon voice lines have been applied more consistently across captive interactions.
Music direction has been added to the protean, infernal, and warlock preparations for Pale Rock.
The dynamic soundtrack has been extended into Malagar’s most recent experiments.
If you are in Power Fantasy mode and have not recruited any hordes by the start of Act IV, the swamps will start off conquered (to avoid an unwinnable fight). Valzira is assumed to have fled, in this case.
Animations have been temporarily disabled in Heloise’s initial encounter, whilst we try to work out why the hell it keeps crashing.
Language selection layout on the main menu has been tweaked
The developer interview has been updated.
Game credits have been updated.
Some background features have been added to support functionality in future releases.
Fixed a broken line of code during Naho’s experiment.
The scene art in Heloise’s dream sequence is no longer mismatched.
Heloise’s animated idles have tidier hair.
Issa has been reminded to face the right way around, again.
The animation for Operation Sexy Rescue no longer features a giant red square.
Heloise’s waifu scenes have a more consistent background.
Applied some fixes to the Chinese (Traditional) translation.
Restored the Act I translation for German.
Resolved code formatting issues with the German translation.
And the many, many bugs found in our playtests. Thank you, playtesters!
Version 4.1.8, Serenity & Obscenity
This is the last of our interim releases before the major update. It does not include any new written scenes (we’re all busy at Pale Rock), but it does include lots of art, voice acting, and other enhancements.
MVP of this build is Irrelevant_Art, for undertaking to standardise all of our waifu art and side portraits, so that they’re all in proportion with one another. Some silhouettes may misalign with animated idles, until they’ve been rescaled as well.
Art: Darja’s seduction attempt (Lubbio).
Art: Maelys’s centaur encounter, improved (Lubbio).
Art: Naho’s contribution to the cause of science, experiments one and two (Lubbio).
Art: Adeline’s character art and emotes, improved (Irrelevant_Art).
Art: Cooch’s character art and emotes, improved and extended (Irrelevant_Art).
Art: Darja’s character art and emotes, improved (Irrelevant_Art).
Art: Marie-Anne’s character art and emotes, improved (Irrelevant_Art).
Art: Mina’s character art and emotes, improved and extended (Irrelevant_Art).
Voice: Darja’s puppet show (Suki).
Voice: Heloise’s evening reading (Lord Gush).
Voice: Heloise’s soothing hypnosis (Lord Gush).
Voice: Heloise’s redecoration (Lord Gush).
Voice: Heloise’s other consort dialogue (Lord Gush).
The dynamic soundtrack has been extended into Malagar’s most recent experiments.
If you are in Power Fantasy mode and have not recruited any hordes by the start of Act IV, the swamps will start off conquered (to avoid an unwinnable fight). Valzira is assumed to have fled, in this case.
Animations have been temporarily disabled in Heloise’s initial encounter, whilst we try to work out why the hell it keeps crashing.
Language selection layout on the main menu has been tweaked.
Fixed a broken line of code during Naho’s experiment.
Heloise’s animated idles have tidier hair.
Issa has been reminded to face the right way around, again.
The animation for Operation Sexy Rescue no longer features a giant red square.
Heloise’s waifu scenes have a more consistent background.
Applied some fixes to the Chinese (Traditional) translation.
Restored the Act I translation for German.
Resolved code formatting issues with the German translation.

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