The Apartments by rudeboyuk Version 0.019b

Free The Apartments by rudeboyuk Version 0.019b Porn Adult Comics download Fast Adult Comics easy download. The Apartments by rudeboyuk Version 0.019b complete Adult Comics available online galleries.

New/Fixed for version 0a.019b
Content: Add computer screen background when checking emails/researching [C06060753]
Content: Added Samantha Scene 3 with accompanying objects and achievement. [C05040022]
Content: Added Samantha Scene 4 with accompanying objects and achievement. [C05040029]
Bug: The second day lowers your rent timer by 2 [B02192350] reported by Oscar Diggs
Bug: The shop random encounter with soda is missing an image [B02192404] reported by Oscar Diggs
Bug: The hooks, the bookshelf and the posters can be asked about after completing them. The book and the necklace will be possible to ask the shop about, but result in no dialogue [B02192417] reported by Oscar Diggs
Bug: All of Sophia's items appear instantly in the shop, save for the first [B02192429 ] reported by Oscar Diggs
Bug: Sophia stops sending emails after #3, Samantha after #4 & Jessie after #5 [B02192440] reported by Oscar Diggs
System: Completed update all of Riley's files to JPG format other than Flirt images. Savings 25MB [S09280753]
System: Completed update all of Samantha's files to JPG format other than Flirt images. Savings 8MB [S09280753]
System: Doubled rate of friendship growth for working overtime.
System: Converted Boss Achievements to new system. Also added second achievement for the second raise and adjusted the picture for the first achievement. [S05025602]
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