Sloths Command - School Game New Version 0.927 - Erotic Adventure

Language: English, Russian, Korean
New Version 0.927
Censored: Yes
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School Game is a game with RPG elements. You create your character and evolve in a school environement. Learn skills, buy equipement, meet classmates, build your reputation and budget, be a member of the student council and various clubs, and improve your relationship with the head of the student council, which you may decide to replace. Isn’t it what everyone wanted in high school, even in student years: complete freedom of action?
Version 0.921:
New content:
The story related to the journalism club and Yuki Oota has been updated. Now there is an option where you can support Yuki. This leads to a chain of events with many choices and new mechanics that you can use to change the school and increase its depravity.
The existing female randomized NPCs were completely redrawn. Everything that was there before has been redrawn and has a new look.
Added a patreon code for subscribers of the Best Friend level. You can read about its privileges below. In addition, all the patreon codes have been changed, and the system for entering them has been improved.
Added two new breast sizes for female randomized NPCs: one is large and the other is very small. The latter is available only if you enter a patreon code for subscribers of the Best Friend tier.
The generation and appearance of new hairstyles has been modified: now, instead of the usual templates, a basic hairstyle is taken, in which you can adjust the length and color of the hair. There are 3 total lengths for 80 percent of hairstyles, and 16 hair colors for each, so this opens up quite a lot of different variations for creating a randomized female NPC.
Added a dozen new eye colors for randomized female NPCs.
Added freckles and moles for randomized female NPCs. There are 14 possible variations of them in total.
Added new accessories: two types of glasses for randomized female NPCs.
Added two new variations of golfs for female randomized NPCs.
Added the Futanari mode, available if you enter the patreon code for Best Friend. If you play with him, with some chance in your game, futanari can be generated instead of a girl.
Added pubic hair for randomized female NPCs that are generated with some chance.
Some categories have been modified in the randomized NPCS editor: it is now possible to enter the patreon code directly in this editor, and now there are several tabs with settings for more convenient configuration in the appearance changes category. It will also be possible to delete/add/change everything that is available for randomized NPCs at the moment, starting from accessories and ending with hair.
A new storyline has been added, which can become a good method of earning money at the initial stages of the game: when generating NPCs, one quest giver will spawn, which can give you tasks on bullies at school. For their implementation, you will be paid accordingly. The quest itself is completely finished and has several outcomes.
Now you can be robbed by hooligans. The chance of this is influenced by physical attributes, as well as your relationship with a particular bully. In addition, there are more than a dozen outcomes for this event, in which you can be robbed, and you can improve your financial situation.
Now, if you somehow aggress the NPCs, relations with everyone who is on the location can both improve and worsen. In addition, an event has been added for this innovation, in which a friend/comrade can start protecting your victim.
Now, if you have a bad relationship with a randomized NPC, and he is afraid of you, he will try to avoid dialogue with you by any means.
Added new interactions with NPCs: “Find out the attitude to”, as well as “Get out of the location”.
Added a dozen new reactions of bullies to you in a bad relationship.
Now, when buying any item, if it weighs at least something, and you have a clogged inventory, you will receive a notification about a possible preponderance and the consequences of this very preponderance.
Now, if you have already extorted money from a randomized NPC, the button with this interaction is hidden. In addition, the maximum reward for extortion has been increased.
Added a system for changing the features of appearance: by pumping strength, you can get a “Relief body” appearance feature, and by participating in fights, you may have numerous scars on your body and face. Getting these features of appearance also affects the attitude of others to you.
A new item has been added to the online store on the computer – a piggy bank. You can put/take money from there into it.
A new item has been added to the online store on the computer – a school backpack. By purchasing it, the maximum weight increases.
A new item has been added to the online store on the computer – a metal detector, with which your chance of finding some interesting thing on the beach increases.
Everything superfluous was removed from the grocery store: edged weapons and a first-aid kit. In addition, alcohol was transferred there. Now you can only buy it at the grocery store.
The module for changing depravity has been improved. Now the change in depravity is influenced by much more individual qualities of the NPC.
Added a new choice after winning fights, with which you can psychologically break a randomized NPC. From this choice, he will change his character to a weak one or a recluse.
The randomized NPC generator was refactored: now it works better, faster and has fewer problems associated with this very generation.
Calculation of weight, attributes, relationships with randomized NPCs, appearance and much more have been transferred to functions.
Added 4 new features to the cheat menu for patreon subscribers: three of them are related to the ability to give relationship/vulgarity points to Ayano, and the other cheat is related to the ability to open the editor of randomized characters directly from the cheat menu.
Information about the age of a randomized NPC has been added to the biography menu.
Many typos and spelling errors in the Russian and English translations have been corrected.
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed a bug that incorrectly calculated the progress of pumping intelligence in the classroom/when studying in the library.
Fixed a bug where the right amount of money was not given out when the right choice was made in the park during a date with Yuki.
Fixed a bug where it was possible to repeatedly offer Yuki to live together, even taking into account that she already lives with you.
Fixed a bug where the tab position was reset to its original position when making a purchase in an online store.
Fixed a bug where after a date with Suzuki, mc could redirect to the wrong location.
Fixed the ‘JPEG loading error’ error that was on some android devices.
Fixed a bug where if there were not enough guys in the school, the guy Meiko could not spawned.
Now candidates for the student council elections are generated at the very beginning of the game, which fixes some bugs related to this mechanic.
Fixed a bug where the gender of the NPC could change after some time of communication with him.
Fixed an exception that occurred when turning on auto-power.
Fixed a bug where if you enter the patreon code at the very beginning of the game, it could be forgotten by the game already in your room.
Fixed a bug where when switching to another map location, the activity menu was not closed for a randomized NPC.
New content
Three new 18+ events and two promoting the storyline were added for Ayano. A total of 6,000 words were made for these events. In addition, a new indicator has been added to the interaction menu with Ayano – depravity.
Two new events were added for Yuki: one 18+, the other is already promoting the storyline with a girl. In total, the size of the events is 6,000 words.
Now Ayano can be offered cohabitation even after you using the wish. In addition, the same opportunity appeared for Yuki Oota. Now, even if you chose the wrong answer option on a date with her, you will have the opportunity to offer her cohabitation in the wish menu.
Now, moving along the story of the journalism club, Ayano and Yuki Oota will actively discuss your actions and what is happening if you live together.
Added a new skin color for female randomized NPCs.
Added 5 new eye colors to the editor of female randomized NPCs.
Added two new variations of casual clothing for female randomized NPCs.
Added a new accessory for female randomized NPCs.
Added four new possible swimsuits for randomized female NPCs (they wear them on the beach and sometimes in the school pool). In addition, it was also added three additional sets of underwear.
Now, if you don’t like the clothes a female NPC wears, you can ask her to change her image, if you have a sufficiently high level of relationships.
The NPC has an inventory, according to which a list of clothes in the image change is now compiled, as well as the need for gifts is determined.
New tabs have been added to the biography menu: influence and information. The first one indicates the influence of external factors on the character (love for something, sociability, etc.) in numerical values, and the second one indicates the information you know about the character.
The code of the randomized NPC generator, the clothing distribution module, the gift menu, the grocery purchase menu, as well as the randomized NPC editor has been completely redesigned and optimized.
Added a new past to the main character creation menu.
Added an outline for the item selected in the grocery store.
Added a clothing store in the shopping center. It has its own range of products that can be used as a gift.
Added a lot of cheats to the cheat menu. Among them are both the search for the NPC by its ID, and transitions to different plot events.
Now, if you were not accepted for the first time, you will have another attempt to get a job at a grocery store. In addition, the conditions have appeared, according to which success employment opportunities will be determined.
The school uniform editing menu has been completely redesigned, starting from the interface, which has been replaced with an easier-to-learn one, and ending with the simplest updating of new clothes. The formulas and conditions for putting on/taking off different clothes were also changed. The points needed for this are accumulated three times faster, depending on the school uniform you have created.
Added a dynamic change of the “Depravity” parameter has been change every game hour. Depending on the events occurring with the NPC, depravity can either change in a smaller or a larger direction.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where the identification number of an NPC could change during communication with him to the identification number of a completely different NPC.
Fixed a bug where instead of authority, cunning increased in the new character creation menu.
Fixed a bug where attributes could be negative values in the editor of randomized NPCs.
Fixed most minor bugs and bugs in the randomized characters editor: fixed bugs related to the attribute randomization function, fixed most NPC saving errors, etc.
Fixed a bug where a bottle of soda from a grocery store was in the “Other” category.
SMS performance on the phone has been improved. Now, if you click on the button, the delay will be several times less.
Fixed bugs in the interface when playing in English: text that goes beyond the limits, incorrect translation, as well as incorrect line spacing. Among the existing interfaces, the main character creation menu, the randomized NPCS editor, the grocery store sales menu, and the interaction menu with randomized NPCs have been fixed.
Fixed a bug where randomized female NPCs, if you click on them when they are busy, looked at you with an “evil look”.
Fixed a bug where new activities were not displayed if the game was in English.
Fixed a bug where the time after the fight remained the same as it was before it.
Fixed a bug where if you select any character from the list in the editor of randomized female NPCs, this list was reset to the initial position. – Fixed a bug where if you cohabit with Ayano, the list of tasks in the diary did not change.
Fixed a bug where NPC sprites could have different eye color in the tab where it is occupied and during interaction.
Fixed a bug where some choices in moments with Ayano could not be displayed due to incorrect calculation of attributes.
Fixed most bugs related to the accumulation of points needed for changing/removing clothes in the standardization menu of school uniforms. In addition, the clothing distribution module for the school uniforms you created was also affected, which was redesigned from scratch.
Fixed a bug where errors could appear on a date with Yuki.
Fixed a critical bug where an exception was thrown if you were silent at a student council meeting.
Version 0.918:
Added content:
The story related to Hitomi and the journalism club has been expanded. In total, it came out at ten thousand words. Most of the written by content is 18+ content.
A new system has been added, with the help of which you will have the opportunity to compete for the position of student council president. At the moment, this system has several pages, including: the main menu, the menu with candidates, and the menu with tasks. Your goal for this update in the new system will be to search for compromising material, which, accordingly, has a lot of 18+ content.
The game character creation system has been redesigned. All the perks, skills and attributes have been rethought, new features have been added, for example, the ability to choose the growth of the character and his family, and in general, a new interface has been made for this all. In addition, a tab with the creation of a school was added to this interface.
Creating a school now has a new detailed setting – “Sex Ratio”.
For the new interface in character creation, there are a lot of tips from the Guide. If you forget to specify or do something, you will be told about it and shown. In addition, Guide will give a hint on creating a character, if will be necessary.
The NPC activity distribution module has been completely redesigned. In addition, into it has added more than 30 new activities in different locations. For this innovation, all the locations in the shopping center were redone. At the moment, all are considered independent. (Previously, all locations in the shopping center were considered one location – the shopping center)
The old disclaimer was changed to a new one at the beginning of the game.
Updated information about the perks and skills of the character in the diary. Now there will be no such as a complete absence of information in categories with perks and skills.
New rumors about your character among randomized NPCs have been added.
The code was refactored in the time calculation function, which made the game performance slightly better.
Training in some places has been expanded and modified.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed an issue where if you interact with a randomized character after starting the game, an exception would be thrown stating that the gg_character variable was not found.
Fixed a bug where the grocery store in all categories did not scroll to the end of the list.
Fixed some typos in Russian, English and Korean language.
Fixed a bug where the corridor might not have the “Journalism Club” location.
Fixed a bug where the achievement “New Acquaintances 1” was not given if you join the club through the student council.
Fixed a bug with a constantly recurring event with a realtor.
Fixed a bug where the list of saves in the saves and downloads menu could be different.
Fixed a bug where NPCs could smoke in the occult Club room.
Fixed a bug where the buttons in the phone did not work correctly. In addition, the list of locations in their messages has been updated.
Fixed a bug where clicking on Eshida Ayano’s house might not count the first time.
Fixed a bug where if you start cohabiting with Eshida Ayano, you might not get three achievements: “To be or not to be?”, “Legend in the Flesh” and “One of the Few”.
Fixed a bug where multiple NPCs could talk and interact with the same randomized NPC.
Fixed a bug where the NPC activity was incorrectly calculated in some locations, causing problems with displaying these very activities in the corresponding menu.
Fixed a bug where you the temple was thrown out with the words that you are in school.
Fixed a bug where when selecting the last character feature associated with the amulet, you were also given a new apartment.
Fixed a bug where a randomized NPC could be invited to run/learn in the temple.
Now, when moving to any location, the sprites of randomized NPCs are forcibly closed, which saves the game from bugs in which they could remain after the dialogues.
Fixed a bug where Meiko Tsukasa’s boyfriend might not be in the Pool location.
Fixed a bug where events with Yuki Oota and Azumi could be blocked by the background of the location.
Fixed a bug where the Occult Club might not display all the NPCs on the location.

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