ArchonStudio - Lord King APK New Version 1.6 - Hentai Mobil APK

Language: English, Russian
New Version 1.6
Censored: No
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Lord King – this is a visual novel with elements of strategy. You are going to face everything that includes in life of the lord: controlling other people, obedience to the queen, intrigue and honesty, rebellion and wars, betrayal and loyalty… It’s only depends on you what kind of ruler you want to be.
The setting of the game is post apocalypse. Almost whole population wiped out and survivors are afraid of the “taint” – a disease, which kills or turns you into mutant. The main action of the game happens in one of intacted cities, surrounded by radioactive wastelands.
Your hero came here from wastelands to find his tribeswomen, which have been enslaved. As fate would have it, he becomes a head of one of cities districts – they call it lord. Now you have power to control people’s lives and not only use it to save your tribeswomen but also to become the king of this city.
The last story update of the game. You will watch how it ends. And you can choose how it ends.
It was a long journey. And it was hard at the end to make it complete. But we did it. My eternal thanks for all of you, folks, for playing the game, for your support and kind words. Without you I would never make it.
– A scene with Anna.
– A bj scene with Isabel.
– Main Story Progress (4 events).
– Fixed minor bugs.
– Progress of the story.
– A sex scene with Jess.
– New night scene with Judy.
– A story with Pamela.
– Fixed Danka’s quest bug (wait till the next council to make it work).
– Now you don’t need to choose Cat’s scene at holiday to progress the story (wait till the next council to make it work).
– 1 extra angle in Jess’ scene.
– Progress of the main story (with a new (not exactly new, though, you saw her from behind) girl)
– A scene with Catherine
– A scene with Lori
– Bj scene with Mia in the harem
– Fixed a bug when you talk to Danka
– Fixed minor bugs.
This update focuses on the xxx content (17 animation files).
– Continue of Annabel’s story.
– Continue of Isabel’s story.
– Continue of Taina’s story.
– Added night scenes with Danka and Mia.
– A new xxx scene with Judy.
– I’ve made easier starting Annabelle’s story. Now you you’ll be ambushed right away if you attacked a human village and didn’t meet her yet. Just survive the ambush and you’ll find her.
– Fixed a rare (I hope so) bug of Catherine’s quest, when you have an error while finishing her scene of 1.0. If you have that bug, load a save before you started this quest.
The story is gaining momentum. In this update you can add to your harem and take part in dangerous events in the war with the Horde.
– Those girls are involved: Barbara, Catherine, Pamela, Taina, Megan, a new girl (one-night stand).
– 5 new music tracks (thanks to TheDevian)
– Fixed a bug with Vica, when you see the xxx scene of v0.9 with her even if you didn’t choose the love route.
– Fixed a bug in the Russian version of the game when you can’t proceed the last quest of v0.9. Just go to the Queen at day, it works now.
– Minor fixes and changes.
– Version 1.0 does not mean that the game is done.

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