Flexible Media - Paradise Lust APK New Version 0.18.0a

Language: English
New Version 0.18.0a
Censored: No
Windows: Just download and click Paradise Lust.exe
Info: Paradise Lust is a visual novel and erotic dating sim, interspersed with simple subgames.
The game follows the story of the wreck of the Moby Dick; a pleasure yacht chartered by the Miss World Media pageant for a luxury promo cruise in the South Pacific. You play the role of the bartender of the vessel, washed up on the shore of idyllic Tuvatuva Island along with a cast of beautiful beauty pageant contestants and their friends. There you will sort out how to survive and thrive on the island while searching for other survivors, including your brother, who was captain of the vessel.
– Fix Maria relationship rank getting stuck
– Fixed Andrea’s Plowing in the Field Sex Spankbank not ending properly
– Added Jenn Cream Dream Sex to Spankbank
– Added Andrea’s Plowing in the Field Sex to Spankbank
– Bartending game fixes
- Fixed issue where conversations would not trigger when advancing time
- Fixed Fullscreen scene backgrounds for certain resolutions
- Fixed Cleaning Sea Hut 2 with Reyna not triggering for some players
- Fixed mouse over text sometimes not disappearing when it should
– Fixed bar dialog not displaying properly
– Fixed issue where player can’t start conversations if energy goes negative
– Fixed Misun’s Spankbank not ending properly
– Disable Maria, Karen, Raven repeatable sex scenes for now
– Added Maria, Karen, Raven repeatable sex scenes
– Fixed some dialog grammar
– Fixed hardcoded character names
Overview: About 2 hrs of additional content. Adds in a new scene each with Jenny, Olga and Maria, and lingerie selifes for all the girls. Also introduces a new girl (Grace), a new multi-room location and advances the main story line.
– Add Fade for loading save files
– Fixed issue when skipping Maria’s sunscreen minigame
– Fixed some wallpapers that can’t be saved locally
– Fixed continuity error with Olga’s story
– Fixed issue where ingredients for coconut oil are not consumed
- Tweaked fish behavior in fishing minigame
- Fixed fishing minigame
– Clamp aspect ratio to 16:9
– Updated some selfie hints
– Fixed more missing Woodle selfies
– Fixed typo in Chatty message
– Fixed missing selfie in Cath’s Woodle Chatty message
– Fixed issue where the last played fullscreen animation shows up for a split second
– Added bgm for Fridge minigame
– Steam public release April
Version 0.14.0:
– March 31st release
– Fixed order of some quests to prevent confusing players
– Fixed Tori’s swimsuit held by Jack not being shown
– Fixed guide button not working
– Marked Tori scenes as NSFW
– Valentines update!
– Fixed missing music in the sketching minigames
– cooldown VO added to some of the sequences
– Fixed an issue in Maria’s Titfuck animation
– Fixed a bug that could cause lagging if playing multiple drawing games in quick succession
– Fixed a possible bug in Tori’s questline
– Fixed a duplicate addressable
– Fixed Tori bikini quest not triggering
– Fixed missing Maria titjob scene
– Added voice over for Karen Banana scene
– Various animation fixes
– Fixed Gabby’s painting missing in her room
– Added Coming Soon label for upcoming sketches
– Added missing Jenny swimwear selfie
– Fixed minigame bgm not looping
– Fixed Typos
– Fixed Misun’s swimwear Chatty not showing
– Fixed Raven’s swimwear Chatty not triggering
– Fixed instances where Gabby’s repeatable sex ends abruptly
– Fixed corkscrew minigame
– Fixed typos in Chatty swimwear messages
– Fixed Jack getting kissed by Gabby and Olga not showing
– Fixed timing of some sex sound effects
– Added Exit button for Room 21
– Fixed autoscroll for Chatty app being too fast
– Fixed tutorial for fishing minigame ending in a black screen
– Fixed line for fishing minigame not being retrieved properly
– Fixed issue with Chatty app being slow
– Fixed some conversations/quests not triggering properly
– Autoplay text now applies to Chatty messages as well
– Added effects when fishes bite or escape in fishing minigame
– Added repeat choices to end of Maria scene
– Fixed bugs with transitions
Lowered swimwear costs
Players now get relationship points when giving the swimwear
Pieces can now be directly swapped for Math minigames
Name in contacts list made more readable
Spray minigame fixes
Various animation fixes
Changed aspect handling for ultra-wide monitors and androids
Various small graphical fixes to the pool sequence
Advanced time and used energy for Jenn sequence
Fixed issue where Reyna is seen from Resort Beach when she shouldn’t
Fixed missing conversation names for Maria’s quests
Fixed issue where conversation options would not hide if it was in Large Text mode
Fixed end of content showing when other content is still available
Fixed some hardcoded character names
Fixed typos
Release candidate
Pool restoration complete
Pool activities
Can buy swimsuits from Karen
Added music for flower minigames
Quest Button moved a bit higher for phones with notches
Mi Sun’s quest now starts one day after finding them
Fixed layering of clouds in Bungalows
Fixed flowers in Reyna’s room not being visible
Fixed flowers in Cath’s room not being visible
Fixed background of Kill Bees minigame
Fixed some rewind issues
Fixed issue where flowers would show in vase as you’re giving them
Fixed full Ryoko poster missing
Fixed missing Reyna’s “End of Content” message
Fixed flowers not showing up in conversations
Cleaned up rewind system and QSave system Puppeteering fixes
Added quest to scare the Lizard at Bungalows Added lights to Mi Sun’s room Added End of Girl content for Reyna, Misun, and Olga Added Maria’s edited photos as wallpapers Mi Sun’s room is now named after her after unlocking Renamed Launchdeck storage to “Storage” instead of “Boat” Fixed sunscreen sprite being flipped while held by Jack Fixed issues with android not detecting button presses Fixed Jack & Andrea’s positioning while on bed Fixed Jack’s body being blurry on Android Fixed Andrea’s hat showing while doing yoga Fixed Reyna’s blowjob animation being clipped at the bottom Fixed Maria’s sunbathe animation not having black background Fixed typo from “shift” to “shirt”
Added quest for waiting for Reyna’s lotion Added clicking sounds for Flower minigames Added missing background for Reyna’s bj scene Added Mi Sun behind the computer during her midnight quest Fixed issue where you can’t click characters in fron of clickable items Fixed incorrect message sender for some Chatty messages Fixed Andrea’s flowers not showing up in her vase Fixed puppeteering for post-Chatty message conversations Fixed issue where Raven’s porn name does not display properly Fixed issue where Reyna’s lotion name does not display properly Fixed issue with conversation not progressing while Catalog is active
Filled up contact info for Mi Sun and Olga Enlarged clickable area to go to Grove Waterlilies in Grove now shows, but still not available to harvest Mi Sun’s room is now named after her Harvesting flowers cannot be done at night and advances time Added correct image for Reyna’s message about lotion Added correct favorite flowers for the girls Added thumbnail for Room 20 Added top view of bed in Andrea’s hut Added exit button to Mi Sun’s room Removed messy version of Cath’s room Fixed issue with flowers not staying in characters’ hands Fixed Mi Sun’s height Fixed Olga and Mi Sun’s orientation when talking to them Fixed Olga’s hitbox in Poopdeck being obscured by the door to Upperdeck Fixed issue where you can’t give gift to Maria Fixed issue where Jack is not visible during first part of Mi Sun’s booty call Fixed low resolution background images Fixed sex in Raven’s Room not being visible
Fixed issue where Cowboy and Handjob sex does not unlock after transformer quest
Added separator in between messages in Chatty
Increase relationship rank with Andrea after river scene
Quest tracker is now updated in real time
Fixed issue where selfies could not be saved locally
Raven is now asleep at morning and can’t be talked to Changed Gabby in her cabin from sleeping to sitting Farming with Andrea now costs energy and gives more relationship points Fixed issue where player does not lose energy when building fence
Prevent access to repeatable sex scenes that have not been unlocked yet Fixed issues with rewind feature Fixed issue where time does not advance after flirting Fixed issue where “Build Garden” choice is available after building garden is done Quests that are under development are now sorted to end of list Fixed issue where textbox alpha setting does not go all the way down Item “Andrea’s Dress” should now show the custom name the player gave Andrea Camera now zooms on Jack and Gabby fixing the radio in the tower Fixed issue where Andrea’s head shows up at night in her hut
Changed “Click to continue” to “Tap to continue” on mobile Energy values are now clamped to 100 Andrea now actually holds a cucumber during garden conversation Fixed issue where Raven’s room name doesn’t change to “Raven’s room” at night Fixed issue where quest notification will freeze when you save Fixed issue where highlighting Andrea shows a corrupt image Fixed issue where first appearance of a character doesn’t have correct emotion Fixed issue where “Riverside” sign disappears mid-conversation Notification for getting a contact now shows custom name Highlighting Rick now shows his actual name after meeting him Fixed issue where custom name isn’t used in some dialog Fixed issue where energy isn’t consumed when cleaning with Reyna Added quit button to main menu Fixed issue where phone wallpaper is not saved
Fixed changelog display issues
Fixed lighting effects in Upperdeck
Players can now catch several fishes in one session
Fixed position of heart visual effect
Changed Reyna’s pose at night
Wallpapers that players should already have are now retroactively unlocked
Add like+ for repeatable sex content. Fixed a bug where repeatable sex in shower wasn’t repeatable. Cath’s no longer wearing her hat in bed Cleaned up the Give Panties puppeteering Cleaned up Text2Speech code Added time specific dialog to some sequences Cleaned up some quests that duplicated information You can no longer get likes from Erik. Started on Chilling with Andrea quest-line
Added first pass of Chilling with Andrea questline. WIP. Removed Erik getting relationship points. He doesn’t swing that way Prevented getting some quests out of order Fixed up some animations in Cath’s sex scene Location panel now properly show characters’ names
Fixed Voice Over not working in player Added option to tweak pitch of player. Chipmunks of the world unite!
Fixed issue with getting stuck in Reyna’s quest Cath’s sex scene now finishes properly Fixed up post-sex scene with Cath Fixed up repeatable sex scene with Cath Enabled Debug UI Fixed issue where items can be clicked while in transition Added beta-level support for Text-To-Speech (Ctrl+V, or accessible through the settings screen)
Cath’s blowjob scene now working
Some scenes now actually show Jack being kissed Jack’s surname should now show up properly Fixed issue where minigame still shows after it is done Fixed issue where ladder to Poopdeck was not clickable Added color to time of day to make it easier to tell which time it is Disabled saving during cutscenes

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For PC
Size: 1350
For Android
Size: 1350