Lust Madness - Lust Hunter APK New Version 0.6.1 - mobile APK

Language: English
New Version 0.6.1
Censored: No
1. Extract and run.
The world was full of lusts, everyone had sex until the witches came and took all the lust for themselves. You need to fill all beings with lust and exorcise witches.
Open world map:
There is no more small map. Now the location is huge, and it will be constantly updated. The location with which you can interact is in the center, from which you can go to neighboring locations. A system of camps will be used to quickly move around the world. When you find a new camp, you have the opportunity to immediately move to it. There is only one camp in the first version of the game.
You can take quests to get coins. You can take an unlimited number of quests available to you. The quest ends right on the map, you must click on the flashing quest and click сcompleted.
New gender of exist enemy – Dom widow
2 new bonus outfits for female, futa, realfuta and male
1 new quest
20 new animations:
5 animations for male
4 animtaions for female
11 animations for futa and real futa
Bugfix with body display
Some other small bugfixes
2 new bonus outfits for futa, realfuta, female, and male in patrons church
16 new animations:
4 animations for male vs male
3 animtaions for female
9 animations for futa and real futa
Now you can sell all you items in the shop
Improvement sell interface added slider bar
Now you can use combo from combo list without drag and drop
Many UI improvement
Bugfix with seduce increase
Bugfix with calculate relationship points
Some other bugfixes that I don’t remember anymore
17 animations for male
3 animations for futa and real futa
1 new quest by Mirana
You can now save up to 5 decks of cards.
4 new enemies can be caught and imprisoned (satyr female, futa and male, muscular futa)
Bugfix with Hunting and Catcheing quests
Small bugfixes
4 pieces new clothes for male (Santa suit) in Patrons Church
New items in the store. You can buy and unlock recipes in the combo list!
New animations for open golden chest
The Christmas quest has been improved for male and futa
New beard for male in Patrons Church
1 new presents suit for female, male and futa
Add new navigation menu options in patrons church
Big bugfix with Slaying type quest. Now the counter of enemies isn’t reset when leaving the location.
Bugfix with mirana battles
Bugfix for Massblow and other cards that deal damage to multiple enemies
Bugfix for Cards that deal damage and get armor at the same time
New big locations: Snow Forest
New enemy SnowMan
3 new animations with snowman
2 new combo for crafting
7 new items
2 new outfits (8 clothes part) in Patrons Church
3 new quests in the Tavern (2 by Gaffer Choo and 1 by Mirana)
You can build a Snow man everywhere like a bear trap!
The system for sorting clothes in the wardrobe has been improved
Improved the dialogue with the Nun in the Patrons Church
Now quests in the quest list can be hidde
Added preview in the clothes shop!
13 new clothes (4 for male, 9 for female and futa)
New clothes abilities
Now enemies can strip you in battleNow, when changing sex in the church of patrons, you do not lose skills
Bugfix and simple improvement
v0.1.7 Public
New playable character: MALE
New enemy FlydickQueen and Orc female
16 new animation (with 3 animations [skippable])
Save game everywhere
Change gender in Patrons Church
13 new male clothing
New function for Hunter 2 and hunter 3 tier
A few small changes
Full save support from 0.1.4* version!
New areas in locations
New object Golden chest with cool reward
New secret area in cave
New quest with Muscular female
22 new sex animations with Muscular female
A few small changes
12 news areas in locations
1 new quest (Follow the footsteps)
New cloth modifier system.
45+ new cloth modifiers. Each item now has its own abilities
You can now remove cards!
You can now expand clothing!
New progressive scale for discovering sex with opponents
Town square temporarily unavailable
Now you see a img of the item when you gathering it
Bugs fixed
A few small changes

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Size: 2270
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Size: 2270