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Free Adult Games » Android Games » Sylvie Dreams - Arizona APK [Ver. 0.9] Update

Sylvie Dreams - Arizona APK [Ver. 0.9] Update

Developer: Sylvie Dreams – Patreon
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS
Language: English
Genre: 3DCG, Female protagonist, Big tits, Masturbation, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Mobile game, Oral sex, Vaginal sex

1. Extract and run.

Arizona, the game is a visual novel based on the life of the main character. Arizona has just turned 18 a few months ago and still resides with its parents in the small family apartment. Arizona is a very happy and a little naive girl despite her age and she has recently started a relationship with her boyfriend Frank. Frank is the captain of the high school basketball team, despite how typical this can sound.

From the moment one, players will take control of Arizona’s life and decide for her, depending on the situations in which she finds herself…

Step by step you will know Arizona better and better!!​

-714 new renders.
-22 new animations.


-Corrected animations.
-New sounds.
-Errors corrected.
-New bonus ‘spoiler’ images from 0.09 update.
-New side images.


-471 new renders (2818 overall).

-7 new animations (78 overall).

-New sound effects!

-New decisions you need to take for Arizona!


-623 new renders (2347 overall).

-11 new animations (71 overall).

-A lot of new sound effects!

-A lot of new decisions you need to take for Arizona!


-473 new renders (1724 overall).

-14 new animations (60 overall).

-Main menu music.

-Improved renders in color and texture.

-A lot of new sound effects!

-A lot of new decisions you need to take for Arizona!

-New section at the end of the update with scenes from the next update. All of this with a great presenter: Lola, do you remember her?


-442 new renders (1251 overall).

-17 new animations (46 overall).

-Updated character thumbnails!

-New stylistic changes!

-Players’ choices are now tracked more accurately. This will allow more options for future dialog, giving greater depth to the characters.

-Because of the extensive overhaul, old saves will almost certainly not work properly. I’m afraid I have to ask everyone to start from the beginning. I promise, this is the last time I will ask you to do so. I think it will be worth it, though. The game is much more “polished” now, and the dialogs are much more specific to the players’ previous choices (and future ones, as well).


380 new renders (830 overall).

13 new animations (29 overall).

Updated renders (of the first versions).

Improved dialogues from previous versions (start the game again to know better some characters).

New sound effects.

New fetishes included.

Arizona’s life day 2 (230 images and 5 animations)

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For PC
Size: 969
For Android