Lockheart - Avalon APK Final Version Update

Developer: Lockheart – BuyMeACoffee
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Mac, Android
Language: English
Genre: 3DCG, Kinetic Novel, Male Protagonist, Sex Toys, Spanking, Romance
Extract and Run
After a traumatic experience leaves her broken and alone, Avalon moves in with her Uncle. As they reconnect after being disassociated for several years, they begin to find solace in each other. As their relationship grows, it attracts new friends, old foes and exciting adventures.
Before you begin getting to know Avalon and her Uncle Byron, you will be given a choice between two friends; Dallas or Octavia. Dallas is a flirtatious cheerleader who may be more than she seems. Octavia is benevolent and kind but behind her glowing personality is a deeply buried secret. Who will you choose?
– Final Dallas Poly scene now shows if you’re playing from the start of the game.
– Added an Unlock feature so you can unlock all content with a password.
– Locked the Mono Scenes Button. Unlocks after you finish Act 7.
– Minor aesthetic changes to the menus.
– Minor grammatical and spelling fixes.
(PLEASE NOTE: The lock content feature does not currently function properly. This will be fixed in the next update.)
The password to unlock everything is:
The Final release of Act 7 is here! I appreciate everyone being patient with me while I put together this last piece of Act 7. Let’s go through the additions.
There are a total of four new scenes, one for each path. And each one contains a sex scene sequence.
On the main menu is a new ‘Mono’ button that will allow you to watch all the mono scenes. In order to watch the Poly scenes, however, you will have to play through the Poly paths. I recommend using the Act Selector if your saves are corrupt.
Without further ado, please enjoy the completed story of Avalon!
- fixed the issue with Penny’s textbox coming up as Queen Naudica.
- redid Penny and Byron’s first meeting.
We recommend starting a new game to avoid errors.
- We’re exploring Byron’s past.
- We are meeting a new character named Leah.
- There are 3 new sex scenes.
This is a really big update. If you were waiting on playing Avalon until there was a decent amount of content, now is the time to play. This is a great point at which to give it a playthrough. There’s plenty of fun content now and some excellent naughty scenes.
We’ve had difficulty with saves in the past. So with the help of a professional coder, we’ve added an ACT SELECT to help allieviate this problem. Once you finish an Act, the proceeding Act will be unlocked in the ACT SELECT menu. Please thank OscarSix for this addition!
I also had a GALLERY implemented so once you’ve seen a scene, it will unlock in the GALLERY. Remember, there are four paths. So to unlock all the naughty scenes, you’ll have to play through them all. Each path has additional information about the story but the Mono Paths have considerably less content as of this release than the Polyamorous paths. Please thank OscarSix for the addition of the GALLERY.
We’ve also implemented a SAVE GAME NAME feature. It’s a little tricky; when you go into the Save Game Menu, type in what you want to name it and then click the slot you want to save on. Please thank OscarSix for the SAVE GAME NAME feature.
Scenes –
- Pre-Date at Home (All)
- Octavia Date (Octavia Poly)
- Dallas Date – (Dallas Poly)
- Avalon and Penny Date (All)
- Octavia and Byron Nightcap (Octavia Poly)
- Dallas and Byron Seduction (Dallas Poly)
- Octavia and Penny Reunited (Octavia Mono)
- Penny’s Late Night Visit (Dallas Mono)
- Avalon and Byron Night 5 (Mono)
- Avalon and Byron Night 5 (Poly)
- Merc and Lance Recovering (All)
We recommend starting a new game to avoid errors. Apologies!
Act 4
I considered the main complaints from the community. In this release, we focused on three major things.
- Choices – We’ve added choices and two additional paths to Avalon. The two new paths are Polygamy and Monogamy. Currently, monogamy just cuts out any sexual content between Avalon and Dallas or Octavia. This will be a more realized path in Act 5. Polygamy is how the game was originally designed to be played. Avalon is now a Visual Novel instead of a Kinetic Novel.
- Sexual Content – We’ve added several new sex scenes. There is now a decent amount of sexual content.
- Eyes – I know the eyes don’t sit right in some of the pictures so I went back through and re-rendered quite a few scenes. We’ll see much less of that problem.
Old saves will not work. Please start fresh.