Abaddon - Manila Shaw: Blackmail's Obsession New Version 0.31 Update

Censorship: no
New Version 0.31
OS: Windows
Language: English
Genre:3dcg, big tits, big ass, corruption, pregnancy, vaginal sex, anal sex, titfuck, masturbation, hardcore, blowjob, interracial, graphic violence, sexual harassment, female protagonist
The protagonist of my game is Manila Shaw, a policewoman who is respectful of the rules and very good at her job. She always has money problems and has struggling to pay the house rent. A Manila's police action in a convenience store will attract a mysterious man's attention to her and this will change her life, throwing her into a world of corruption and deception...
I’ve completed Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession v0.31.
You are about to play “Monday”.
– Keep your old saves.
– “Guard” (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
– Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
– Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it (“Optimize” and “Clear” can be useful).
– You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard:
(PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map)
– You can hide the dialogs if you press CTRL (ON / OFF).
– Press “Space” = the car and the movement of the NPCs becomes faster.
– Press “W” = you can skip the dialogues.
You can change the volume of the sounds in the options menu:
– BGS: sexual sounds
– BGM: music
– SE: single sounds
– Grace I (Story);
– Prison Cell (Daily Quest) > This quest is triggered if you have arrested Lucifer.
– Revenge 90 (Daily Quest) > This quest is triggered if the cell camera is turned on (there is a button to turn the cameras on / off near the cell entrance). You need to complete the Pen Drive quest in Storm’s office (it automatically activates during the main quest if you have the pen drive in your inventory).
The sex scene of this quest is repeatable.
– The Champion (Daily Quest);
The reward for this quest has been changed (you will not see the quest updated, but you will still get the new reward).
– $25,000
– $1000-5000 every night (you will find a bag near Scars every night)
– New Skill: Kami Mode (Instant). This ability replaces the normal Kami Mode.
– Badge: “Queen of the Ring” (it’s just a trophy)
– (+1 Level)
– You can fight Scars anytime you want (+ $3000, +300 EXP)
– Repeatable scenes of Mr. Forger, Mr. Ghellar, and Mason ——> Work in progress!
– Animations x 6
– New Skill:
Kami Mode (Instant) + Skills > Reward of the “Champions” quest
Move & Fire! (Instant) > It can be purchased in the armory of the Police Station
Gun Fu (Martial Art) + Skills > It can be purchased in the armory of the Police Station
– Some skill effects have been changed
– There will be a new type of skill, namely Instant Skill. Characters will be able to use Instant Skills before an attack or other action. They have a Cooldown (CD) and a lightning bolt icon.
– Enemies have an HP bar now (visible when hitting and selecting target)
– Changing the Armory Map: there is a prison in the Armory where you will find Lucifer (if you unlock the quest)
Version 0.29:
Hey, guys :)
I’ve completed Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession v0.29.
You are about to play “Saturday”.
– Keep your old saves.
– “Guard” (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
– Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
– Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it (“Optimize” and “Clear” can be useful).
– You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard:
(PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map)
– You can hide the dialogs if you press CTRL (ON / OFF).
– Press “Space” = the car and the movement of the NPCs becomes faster.
– Press “W” = you can skip the dialogues.
– Bad Omen (Side Quest);
The scene changes if Manila is pregnant – baby bump.
Manila will learn a new skill:
– Infuse Kami
– Soul Grasp (Manila Pregnant – baby bump)
There is a tough fight in the dojo (if you can buy medic kits, buy them. You can find them in Burke’s convenience store). If Manila has Justice 25+ or Justice > Corruption, she can temporarily use a new ability (once per fight). The ability, for now, is only usable in the battle of this update. If you have found the mystical fragment (in previous versions), you will be able to recreate one of the spheres of Hizaki.
– Sex Party (Side Quest);
Manila can’t be pregnant baby bump. It’ll be possible to repeat this scene every night if you use Nightfall.
– Magic Hands (Messages, Smartphone)
The scene changes if Manila is pregnant – baby bump. It’s possible to repeat all massages every day. Massage tickets can be purchased in the convenience store (near Manila’s home). Accept the special massage for repeatable scenes.
The “Sex Party” quest will trigger in this scene if you have played all the scenes with Ben and Chad (Pub).
– The Champion (Side Quest) ——> Work in progress!
– Repeatable scenes of Mr. Forger, Mr. Ghellar, and Mason ——> Work in progress!
– Animations x 10 (Pregnant-baby bump and Not Pregnant)
– Battle x 1
I’ve created some new skills:
Level 12 —————> Hurricane Kick
Level 15 —————> Revenge of Gun
Level 18 —————> Combo
Win all fights in the “Bad Omen” quest ————> Infuse Kami
Manila pregnant baby bump in the “Bad Omen” quest ———-> Soul Grasp
– Keep your old saves.
– “Guard” (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
– Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
– Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it (“Optimize” and “Clear” can be useful).
– You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard:
(PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map)
– You can hide the dialogs if you press CTRL (ON / OFF).
– Press “Space” = the car and the movement of the NPCs becomes faster.
– Press “W” = you can skip the dialogues.
– Target (Story Quest);
– Capitulation (Side Quest) – It can only be played if Manila isn’t pregnant baby bump. She must put on “Casual (Jeans)”.
– Mr. Ghellar has several scenes: it’s possible to get all the scenes if Manila fucked Ghellar in the latest update (J. Blue is dead). There is an extra scene if Manila has 50 Corruption points or if Sensei kicked Alex out of the temple.
– Lt. Storm went on vacation: Thursday and Friday, it’s possible to go to Storm’s office and download the hard video stored in the computer. The “Pen Drive” quest is activated if Manila has fucked Storm at least once (repeatable scene).
– It’s possible to play a scene with Forger in the pool (only in the morning). There is a small staircase in the hotel. Manila must have fucked Forger in the limo (Romance with Forger). Manila mustn’t be pregnant baby bump.
– There are two scenes, Jason or Michael, which trigger if Manila tell Forger her boyfriend’s name. The scene is activated automatically in front of the entrance to Manila’s palace (only in the evening). Manila must wear the police uniform.
– The Champion (Side Quest) ——> Work in progress!
– Repeatable scenes of Mr. Forger, Mr. Ghellar, and Mason ——> Work in progress!
– Animations x 19 (Pregnant-baby bump and Not Pregnant)
– Battles x 4
– Nightfall can now be used to fuck John Doe in the park (Bug fixed).
Version 0.05b Remake
Added Day 28
Added Preggo One buyable/useable to shop
Fixed temple sex with Derek showing when it shouldn't
Changelog Version 0.22:
– This update has 5 animations
– Bojutsu (Daily Quest);
– Dark Plan I (Daily Quest); Dark Plan is a variant of Bojutsu quest. It activates instead of the “Bojutsu” quest if you killed J. Blue at the start of the game.
– New Soul (Daily Quest); this quest is activated instead of Bojutsu and Dark Plan. It is the version for those who have “Manila pregnant – baby bump”.
– Clayton, Very Fashion, Roulette, Black Brothers (Daily Quest); you can only activate them if Manila doesn’t have baby bump. It is necessary to be a pole dancer (second job).
– I want you (Side Quest); it is obtained by losing the fight with Alex or if Manila is pregnant – baby bump. Manila must have Corruption 15+.
– Sacred Chest (Side Quest); this quest can be completed in the next update.
Version 0.21
Quests (Friday):
– Mr. Ghellar (Story Quest); if Manila fucks the mayor and kill J. Blue, there will be a small additional scene. If you break up with Michael or refuse him at the beginning of the game, he won’t help you in combat. If Manila (not pregnant – baby bump) wins the fight, there will be an opportunity to have a date with Mr. Forger (in a future update).
– Full Moon (Side Quest); all other missions in the INN hotel must be completed.
– Gang Bang (Side Quest); all other missions in the old warehouse must be completed. Manila must have Corruption 30+.
– Expert (Side Quest); this quest activates the first time you use the shooting range.
– Payday (Side Quest, repeatable);
– Bribes (Side Quest, repeatable); you must have blackmailed the three clients of Hades.
– This update has 10 animations:
1 animation for the Second Job (Casino, Not Pregnant only)
2 animations in the INN hotel (1 Pregnant, 1 Not Pregnant)
7 animations in the Old Warehouse (3 Pregnant, 3 Not Pregnant, and 1 works for both conditions)
– 1 battle + Androids in the shooting range;
– I created the Pole Dancer Job (it’s possible to work once a day if you have accepted the job offered by Marcus); Not Pregnant (baby bump);
– I created the Shooting Range in the armory (it’s playable from the beginning of the game);
– It’s possible to repeat the animation in Michael’s house.
– I fixed the variable of Night Watchman (you must fight with him again if you want to complete the quest in the future)
– All quests have dialogue variations.
Version 0.20
– Keep your old saves.
– “Guard” (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
– Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
– Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it (“Optimize” and “Clear” can be useful).
– You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard:
(PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map)
– You can hide the dialogs if you press CTRL (ON / OFF).
Quests (Wednesday):
– Merry… (Story Quest);
– Santa (Story Quest);
Quests (Thursday):
– …Christmas (Story Quest);
New Update (Quest: Challenge I); I added a new fighter (Night Watchman).
– Christmas gift: Losing virginity in the last fight of this update OR Win the two fights in this update.
– 4 animations
– 2 battles + New battle with Night Watchman in the “The Ring” arena
– All quests have dialogue variations
Version 0.19
I completed Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession v0.19.
In the next update you’ll play Monday and Tuesday.
– Keep your old saves.
– “Guard” (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
– Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
– Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it (“Optimize” and “Clear” can be useful).
– You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard:
(PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map)
– You can hide the dialogs if you press CTRL (ON / OFF).
Quests (Monday):
– Androids (Story Quest);
– Surveillance (Story Quest);
– Punishment (Side Quest); this quest is activated if Manila has refused Burke in the hospital or on the beach. It’s possible to unlock a repeatable scene with Storm.
Quests (Tuesday):
– Wang (Story Quest); its activation depends on the outcome of the “Surveillance” quest.
– Gang of Rose (Story Quest); the quest has variations of scene and dialogue. It depends on the outcome of the “Surveillance” quest. It also depends on the physical condition of Mary (Pregnant or Not Pregnant).
Quests (Everyday):
– 3 Bastards (Daily Quest); this quest is activated the day after arresting the three clients (Hades). It’s possible to unlock a repeatable scene with Storm.
Special Quests:
– Childbirth (Daily Quest); this mission is activated on the day of delivery. Follow the instructions to give birth to the baby.
– 8 animations (Pregnant or Not Pregnant)
– 2 battles
– New map: Hospital 2F
– New map: Armory (Police Station 1F)
– New weapon: Tactical Shotgun
– New item: Emergency Kit
– New item: Recovery (Party)
– New item: Medic Kit
– New item: Preggo One (If Manila use it in this update (Monday), she’ll give birth on Tuesday. If Manila is pregnant (baby bump), it’ll reduce the time of pregnancy to 1 day. It can be purchased in the minimarket.
– Certain Hit: some skills and weapons always hit the target. “Revolver” (Jason) and “Tactical Shotgun” have this ability.
– I changed the equipment section. There are new slots: Melee, Hand Gun, Long Gun, etc.
– I added ‘Fullscreen’ mode in the ‘Options’ menu.
– I fixed the three clients bugs.
– I added a new character: Akin.
– I added a new character: Rose.
– All quests have dialogue variations.
Version 0.17
– Keep your old backups.
– “Guard” (skill) is very important. It reduces damage in rounds and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
– Do not forget to equip Manila. Check his equipment (equipment).
– Remember that inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want the material to be transferred in another way, you must put it in the inventory and then equip it (“Optimize” and “may” be useful).
– I suggest you equip “Fist” in the first “Weapon” slot.
– You can show / hide the arrow map.
Press the keyboard:
(PageUP = Show map of arrows; PageDOWN = Hide map of arrows)
– You can hide the dialogs if you are on CTRL (ON / OFF).
————————————————– ———————————————
Quests (Saturday):
– Derek (secondary quest); This quest will be if you accepted Derek’s change. Playable with Manila “Not pregnant” and Manille “Pregnant”.
– 1st client (secondary quest); Derek you are going this quest. It can be completed at 50%. If you killed J. Blue, there is an extra scene.
– Peeping Tom (Side Quest, Secret); you have to finish the quest “Plumber”. Take a shower to activate the quest. Playable with Manila “Not pregnant”. If Manila is pregnant, two events are triggered without a quest (shower scene + bathroom scene).
– a bathroom (side quest) “Peeping Tom” must be completed. Tom’s Songs of Tom Playable with Manila “Not pregnant”.
– massage (Secondary quest); playable with Manila “Not pregnant”.
– Sensei (secondary quest); playable with Manila “Not pregnant” and Manille “Pregnant”. The scenes are different if Manila is pregnant. If you killed J. Blue, there is an extra scene.
– spy camera (secondary quest); playable with Manila “Not pregnant” and Manille “Pregnant”. You can complete in the next update.
– Hades now there is the second client. Blowjob and handjob.
————————————————– ———————————————
– 10 courtesy events
– New map: Shop District
– 2 battles
– You can now hide the dialogs if you are repeated on CTRL (ON / OFF)
Changelog Version 0.16:
– Keep your old saves.
– “Guard” (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
– Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
– Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it (“Optimize” and “Clear” can be useful).
– I suggest you equip “Fist” in the first slot “Weapon”.
– You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard:
(PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map)
Quests (Friday):
– Hades (Story Quest)
Special event in the hospital (Burke): you can activate it only if you have accepted Burke’s blackmail in the park (Quest “Jogging II”) and / or if you have completed the quest (Anal Pig).
– Red Card (Story Quest): If you have Corruption 10+, you will see two animations instead of one.
– Love Night (Daily Quest): Love Story with Michael.
– Blowjobs: the scenes in this quest are repeatable (forever).
– Handjobs: the scenes in this quest are repeatable (forever).
– Three Clients
– Salary
– Rent and Bills
– 6 Short animations
– New map: Hades
- Keep your old saves.
- "Guard" (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
- Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
- Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it ("Optimize" and "Clear" can be useful).
- I suggest you equip "Fist" in the first slot "Weapon".
- You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard:
(PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map)
Quests (Thursday):
- Benny I (Story Quest)
- Benny II (Story Quest)
- Hard Sex (Messages): This quest will be activated if you have completed the "Food & Sex" quest (Mason).
- Bad Water (Side Quest): This quest will be activated if Pusher is free and has Manila's home address. Manila's home address: Manila must be defeated by Pusher in the first fight (Western Park toilets).
- 5 Short animations
- 2 Battles
I completed Manila Shaw: Blackmail's Obsession v0.14.
In this update you'll play "Wednesday".
- Keep your old saves.
- "Guard" (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
- Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
- Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it.
- You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard:
(PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map)
Quests (Wednesday):
- Traffic (Story Quest): If Pusher is free, this scene will be a little different.
- Sex Storm (Side Quest): You can go to the lieutenant Storm with the Sex Bomb or Casual (Sensual) outfit. The dress changes the introduction of the scene. To activate this quest, you must have completed the previous INN Hotel quest.
- Payment (Messages): To activate this quest, you must have a debt with John Doe (don't complete the daily quest "Interrogation").
- Locker (Daily Quest)
- 6 Short animations
- 1 Battle
- I fixed the laboratory password bug (You can open the lab only with the password written on the document)
- Hunter's animation (sex) has been brightened up.
- There is a new game mechanics: "Pregnancy".
Fertility is a percentage value that changes every morning. Manila's sexual partners can change this value (some men have a more powerful seed than normal: Mason, Marcus, etc.)
- From now on the animations will be repeatable during the scene
- Some previous choices can change some dialogues.
Changelog Version 0.13 Extra:
In this update you’ll play “Monday” and “Tuesday”.
Warning: Keep your old saves.
Remember: “Guard” (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
Quests (Monday):
– Hunter (Story Quest): There is a small additional scene (Cabin scene) if you have refused Michael at the beginning of the game, or if you are no longer his girlfriend.
– John Doe II (Story Quest)
– Interrogation (Daily Quest)
Quests (Tuesday):
– Harassers (Story Quest)
– Secret Lab (Story Quest)
– 4 Short animations
– 5 Battles
– You can buy the Pocketknife (Attack +1) in the item store. It is an “Accessory” that you can equip
– I fixed the fridge bug (Drink, MP)
you can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard:
(PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map)
Changelog Version 0.12 Normal:
I’ve completed Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession v0.12.
In this update you’ll play “Sunday” (Part 2).
Warning: Keep your old saves.
Warning: Explore the map (Temple of Hizaki).
This update has the following side quests:
(The quests are all in the Temple of Hizaki)
– Temple (Side Quest): this event changes if you have killed J. Blue at the beginning of the game.
– Relic (Side Quest)
– Bet (Side Quest)
– Monolith (Side Quest)
– The Ring (Side Quest): Work in progress. This quest will be released on December 25th or 31st.
– Event in the house (afternoon): it is activated only if you have accepted the blackmail of Derek (Side Quest “Club threat/talk”).
– 4 short animations
– Some battles
– Manila can drink sakè in the house (Full MP, once a day)
– Manila can eat in the house (Full HP, once a day)
– I’ve fixed the HP / MP bug.
you can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard:
(PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map)
Changelog Version 0.11 Norma:
I’ve completed Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession v0.11.
In this update you’ll play “Sunday” (Part 1).
Warning: Keep your old saves. In the next update I will still work on “Sunday”.
This update has the following quests:
(The choices of the previous updates can change some dialogues)
– Casino/Marcus (Messages, Smartphone is necessary!)
If Manila is Michael’s girlfriend, you will unlock the following side quests:
All In (VIP, Side Quest) and All In (Eden, Side Quest)
Traitors! (Daily Quest)
If Manila isn’t Michael’s girlfriend, the Casino / Marcus quest will have some different renderings.
– Plumber (Side Quest): this quest will automatically unlock when Manila wakes up.
Changelog Version 0.10 Fix :
– New Outfit (Messages, Manila must have a smartphone!): This scene will unlock the outfit you chose in the police
Hi, guys :)
I've completed Manila Shaw: Blackmail's Obsession v0.09.
Warning: Keep your old saves "Friday". In the next updates I'll still work on Manila's weekend (Saturday).
In this update you'll play "Saturday".
This update has the following quests:
- New Outfit (Messages, Manila must have a smartphone!): This scene will unlock the outfit you chose in the poll.
There are two additional scenes in this scene:
1)If you have completed the side quest (Black Night I, Drunk Manila or Watching Allison's Blowjob), you will unlock a scene with Allison. She will give you the opportunity to activate the "Black Night II" side quest.
2)If you have also taken the bribe ($5,000) of J. Blue to leave him free, an additional scene will be activated.
- Jogging II (Side Quest): This scene can only be activated if you haven't yet completed the "Mr.Burke" side quest! The red option of this scene can only be activated by having "Corruption 5+".
If you have taken the bribe ($5,000) of J. Blue to leave him free, you will unlock the "Anal Pig" side quest (you have to choose the red option).
- Black Night II (Side Quest): It can only be activated by playing the "New Outfit" quest.
- Anal Pig (Side Quest): It can only be activated by playing the "Jogging II" quest.
- 4 short animations.
Warning: Keep your old saves.
you can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard:
(PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map
I have completed Manila Shaw: Blackmail's Obsession v0.07.
This update has the following quests:
In this update you will only play " Wednesday ".
- Who's Hessex? (Story, Wednesday - Logan arrested);
- Hessex... (Story, Wednesday - Logan on the run);
- Prisoner (Daily quest - Both Wednesdays): Unlock this daily quest, if you've arrested Mason in the old warehouse. In this scene there is a short animation and a blowjob. Everything is optional;
- Prisoners (Daily quest - Both Wednesdays): Unlock this daily quest, if you have arrested the two kidnappers in the old warehouse. This scene is normal without animations or sex;
- Equipment (Side quest - Both Wednesdays): It is an update of the equipment. In the locker room you will find a suitcase. I recommend completing this quest. Remember to equip items and weapons in the "Equip" menu. The stun gun is an "accessory";
- Every evening, Manila can work out in the gym for an hour (Wednesday);
- 4 short animations (2 blowjobs, 1 Vaginal sex, 1 Anal sex);
- 3 battles (two battles with the same person);
- Firearms have ammunition now;
- I've fixed a bug in the gym. Now you can leave the gym, if you don't have the money to pay for the training or if you press the "No" button;
- Probably Manila will reach level 3 and will unlock a new skill: "Double Attack".
I recommend you equip "Fist" in the First Weapon slot and "Pistol II" in the Second Weapon slot.
Warning: Keep your old saves.
you can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard:
(PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map)
Don't wait, just play. Version 0.04:
- The old warehouse has two events (one triggers if you have arrested or ignored Mason (green or red Mason quest), the other triggers if you have to complete "the fugitive" quest (Mason's quest).
- The third event can only be triggered by the love story with Michael (Pizza time quest).
- If you have resisted Storm's blackmail (no Blowjobs, etc.), you will see two additional images in the third event (Pizza time quest).
- Every Friday Manila will get the salary: $ 500 (- $ 100 each time a criminal rips her clothes).
- 3 small animations.
- 2 battles.
Game choices can change dialogues and add or edit some images.
In this update you will only play "Friday". In version 0.05 I will work on the free roaming of the weekend (Saturday and Sunday).
you can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard:
(PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map)
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Size: 4230
Comments 6