Horton Bay Stories – Jake – New Version [Lumphorn Games]

Date: 02.09.2024
Language: English
Censored: No
1. Extract and run.
Welcome to our first game set in the town of Horton Bay!
Our main character, Jake (or nickname of your choosing) Rogers, finds himself at the end of his final school year and ready to head off to his local university along with his long term girlfriend and best mate.
That is until everything gets turned on it’s head and forces him to change his plans!
Now with seemingly few options, he decides to travel to the other side of the country to the coastal town of Horton Bay, where he can start fresh and try to rebuild a new life for himself!
He’ll forge new relationships, whether they be good friends, romantic interests, adulterous affairs or simply some good old, no-strings casual sex!
He’ll explore the town and meet interesting new people. Get himself a job and an education. Even find himself getting caught up in the middle of a ruthless crime war!
But most importantly, he gets to start the first chapter of the Horton Bay Stories!
Thank you for your interest and we hope you’ll like it enough to stick around for more!
Fixed: During the house party in Episode 1, you can no longer walk into the Utility room to find Lucas before Christine has left for work.
Fixed: Several typos.
Fixed: Christine blowjob count now changes after Lucas invites you to join in in the livingroom at 22:00.
Fixed: Map and Location screens now automatically close when starting Amber’s first event in her bedroom.
Fixed: Can no longer speak with Didi or Marie before the first day of University.
Fixed: The Bowling Arcade will now become available on the map by entering the building (previously only unlockable during Mika’s arc).
Fixed: Speaking to Rhea at the library from the reception desk no longer breaks the event.
Fixed: The objective to accompany Adel on her first day of work can now ONLY be started from the Dining Room in the AFTERNOON, as intended.
Fixed: After completing your first day at Uni, you no longer have the option to remain in free roam before beginning the following event. (This was left over from an early update where the two events were separated by a month of development time, but should have been played back to back.)
Fixed: After saving Crystal outside the Nightclub, there is now a UI alert informing the player of updated Objectives.
Fixed: If you’ve already unlocked the Cock and Ball Pub location before the first weekend party event, you’ll no longer be informed that you’ve unlocked the location a second time during it.
Fixed: During the first party, if you end up with both twins at the end of the night, the blowjob sequence no longer skips to the wrong stage when cumming.
Fixed: Can no longer speak with Crystal at the pub before you’ve been introduced.
Fixed: After visiting Christine’s room during the morning while Lucas is also in bed with her, Christine’s events should no longer be broken for the rest of that day.
Fixed: If used the video of Gemma in the shower as part of the price of Adel’s toy, you can no longer resell that video again to Justin afterward.
Fixed: (?) If you progress Adel’s personal arc too far before she begins working at the bank, the objective should still now be completable.
Changed: New character model for Sophie.
Changed: On Saturday mornings, you can now visit Christine’s bedroom at any time and choose to skip to noon to take her on a beach date (after already taking her at least once).
Added: 8 new photos to sell to Justin.
Added: 1 new video to sell to Justin.
Added: 3 new characters to the phone. Arabella, Lionel and Mikayla.
Added: New Head Mistress and ‘Tramp’ event (available 7 days after completion of first event – for existing saves, the 7 day timer begins on load).
Added: New interior location – The Boardwalk Cafe (Complete first 4 weeks of Art Club with Amy and Rhea to unlock)
Added: Repeatable Regan event at the cafe 14:00 (available after unlocking via Art Club).
Added: NTR option for Regan cafe event.
Added: First phase of Art Club events (weeks 1-4 with Amy and Rhea).
Added: Alternate Art Club event (Polly – Week 4+).
Added: NTR Art Club event (Polly – Week 4+).
Added: New dream – Lionel (NTR).
Added: New dream – Steve (NTR).
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