Elleria – Chapter I – New Version 0.2 [M.C Games]

Date: 15.02.2024
Language: English
Version: 0.2
Censored: No
1. Extract and run.
Info: “By the word religion I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of god. Mad words in sermons, wills of mortal men and women. Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot stand for themselves, goodness and righteousness. Little to none of that present now a day however.”
v0.2 – Chapter 1 Start ( Quite a sizeable one.)
– GUI Tweaks.
– Increased the Shadow Opacity of the dialogues. (Per suggestion from people who had issues reading in some lighter scenes. Will be tweaked further if necessary.(Feel free to ping me y’ folks with bad sight.) )
– Auto Forward is now located under preferences, next to auto forward speed control. (Available for toggle as per request.)
– Typo Fixes
– Character Codex. (Can be accessed during the play time, right click to open the menu and click on ”Characters” to get some background on them, if you have the particular character unlocked.)
– Several new soundtracks from some quite talented people!
– Some tweaks and work on main character design.
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For PC
Size: 1050 mb