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Free Adult Games » Adult Games » Edgeville – New Version 0.2.03 [CCG Games]

Edgeville – New Version 0.2.03 [CCG Games]

Date: 01.10.2023
Language: English
Version: 0.2.03
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.
Info: Ever wanted to crouch in the bushes and spy on Dexter’s Mom’s thick ass?
Welcome to Edgeville,
the vibrant toon city featuring charming graphics where you can interact with your favorite sexy cartoon characters!
Immerse yourself in a unique open-world experience that combines elements of Dating-Sims,
Visual Novels, and a casual First Person 3D game.
Explore a city where you can enter homes, interact with characters,
and unlock special adult content (H-Scenes) and dialogue options.
Discover exciting game secrets and Easter eggs as you embark on thrilling adventures
,and quests for the residents of Edgeville.
Perform tasks for the characters, get to know them intimately, and unlock naughty encounters with them.​
Major Features:
Furniture added (Dexter’s House)
Model Update (Dexter’s House)
Character Model Updated (Dexter’s Mom)
Character Storyline Added (Dexter’s Mom)
HScene 1 Added (Dexter’s Mom)
HScene 2 Added (Dexter’s Mom)
Graphics Update (Shadows, Lighting)
Day/Night Cycle Mechanic Added
Time / Schedule Mechanic Added
Sleeping Mechanic Added
Expanded Neighborhood Environment
AI Improvements (Dexter’s Mom)
Trees Added (Environment Update)
Roads Retextured (Environment Update)
New Targeting System
New VN Mechanics
Major Bug Fixes:
Dexters Mom’s Hat, Sunglasses, earrings and Watering missing materials
Dexter’s Mom’s Eyes have a lazy look when you talk to her
HUD disappears when you talk to NPCs
Day/Night Cycle not restarting after certain parameters
DayNightController crashes the game in Dexter’s Lab
The game logic breaks when You are able to pick up a fuse from the lab, leave and come back
The game logic breaks when you attempt to finish the Glass requirements, but leave the lab before doing so
JobSpawner was throwing a null reference in Helen’s 1002 and 1003 HScenes, causing the HScenes to stop working
While Helen goes to the park, if you go inside, and come out – the game logic breaks
While Helen goes to the the back of the house, if you go inside, and come out – the game logic breaks
Game logic breaks if player goes inside Dexter’s House before Dexter’s Mom makes it indoors

Edgeville – New Version 0.2.03 [CCG Games]

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