Zigmut - Unfaithful Rebirth Version Update

The game is heavily inspired by "Living With Temptation" from Lesson of Passion (without the writing and picture quality). But, gradually, I will try to do something different from the original material. The objective for this game to make something fun (not won), not too redundant and relatively long (for replay-ability), not too full of mistakes and misspellings, all while learning the cogs of the software and its possibilities.
Add: Help to not miss the exams
Add: Message posted by Noelle when it is added as a friend on fb
Add: Possibility to spend some action and cinematics
Add: girls kiss when they test clothes
Add: When girls test the garment their intimacy increases
Modification: Name of a variable to avoid problems
Adjustment: Design only a few warning boxes
Correction: Bug to see Cherry at the gym
Correction: Bug when we have more energy
Correction: Bug when relaxing on the grass in the park
Correction: Several bugs
Correction: Typos
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