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Free Adult Games » Porn Games » Oranos - Patriarch New Version 0.7.2 - Hardcore Sex

Oranos - Patriarch New Version 0.7.2 - Hardcore Sex

Language: English
New Version 0.7.2
Censored: No

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Patriarch is an ambitious sandbox harem-builder game set in a dark near future where a single powerful crime family has brought a city to it’s knees. You play as the heir to this family, whose job it is to make a name for himself and establish the connections necessary to lead an empire. Date and control the women near you, as you build a harem of girlfriends, wives and sex slaves.
The game features humiliation/degradation, rough sex and similar fetisches, all stemming from the idea of total power exchange. Not for the faint of heart!

v.0.7.1 Hotfix:
- Added 6 patreon scenes
- Fixed some typos that caused certain images not to appear
- Electra now actually provides income
- Fixed an exploit where the player could both get followers and marry Angelica
- Fixed an exploit where you could get more slaves by running Saffron's slave event over and over
- Fixed an exploit where the player could go through the final date with Angelica multiple times and get the 20.000 from Finch over and over
A note from Oranos – Important!
Though this version is released after Khrisis’ fan update, the two versions are currently incompatable. This is due to a lot of progress being done on 0.7 already when the fan version of 0.6 was released. Integrating the content added by Khrisis as well as some new content by him will be the chief undertaking in the coming weeks. In the meantime, for those of you who played 0.6, I have added a savefile starting roughly at the end of 0.5 so you don’t have to start over.
– Added a special honeymoon event for Angelica that unlocks a whole new area, including a new character with a full arc
– Added a new follower system and two new slave followers for players who didn’t marry Angelica
– Added a new event for Aletta, in which a new character with a full arc can be encountered. This character has two different paths depending on the player’s aproach.
– Added a (very) small story expansion, simply setting the stage
– Added the new resource ‘soldiers’ which will be used in more deadly gang engagements, and the threat level which will indicate the danger your soldiers face in the city. These will become increasingly important in future updates, allthough the current system is more of a foundation.
– Added Lilith, a new character with a full arc
– Added a new harem system. This is designed to be highly customizable. In it’s current state it’s more of a foundation though – stay tuned for future updates!
– removed an exploit where you could endlessly dominate amber for authority.
– fixed typos
– assigning slaves to work as elite escorts no longer locks you out from changing jobs for them
– Daniel’s drug trade no longer breaks at 600 rep, instead it caps above 600 at 7000 income.
– fixed a bug that made Aletta’s patreon event not show up
Patreon content:
– Due to the long time it has taken to release 0.7, this version will not have early access. Instead I will give two extra scenes to patreons of ALL tiers.
The patreon scenes will come in a patch Tuesday the 12th. I’m putting in the finishing touches, if ready tomorrow Monday the 11th I’m releasing it then.

Version 0.6:
More texts from a variety of girls.
– More hookups: 2 At Megazonic Nightclub, a different girl at the nightclub, a girl at the beach, all three strippers at the strip club (inc. Lexi)
– New Dungeon training scenes (Ella and Marlene)
– New character: Carmen the realtor.
– New scenes for existing girls (Audrey, Angelica, Twins, Amber)

v0.4 Patch C
Fixed a potential crash
v0.4 Patch B
Fixed alternate scene for Emma on the pillory (the second hour if you didn’t snitch)
Fixed a GUI issue with Emma’s spanking
Fixed a crash that could occur when generating a new trial in the morning
Fixed two renders in the Emma/Val scene.
v0.4 Patch note:
Added new locations: basement, pillories’ room and Abi’s bedroom.
5 new scenes/events
The spanking scene introduced in 0.3 has a new GUI and the follow up of the scene introduces new mechanics. I really like how this scene is feeling and all the opportunities it gives for later.
Added hints for update 0.2 and 0.4 (0.3 hints were in the last update). The hints are just that, hints. It’s to help you progress and roughly show what to do next; if needed.
Updated floor’s button to use elevators numbering pattern
Updated the location indicator for the girls to be more intuitive.

– Added Sophie (in City Hall), Rue (at Park festival) and Ruby (in the meatlocker)
– Added City Hall functionality
– Added new locations Nude beach, Park festival, Public pool and Warehouse
– Added minor encounters at Park festival, Restaurant Lotus and Public pool
– Added various generic scenes
– Removed the time constraints for visiting Lola, Bri and Suki at home
– Added two new recomendations from money and authority
Bug fixes:
– Fixed code typos
– Teaching a class now passes the time and takes energy
– Luna’s achievement should now show correctly

– Added girls with full arcs (Lisa at beach, Aletta in apartment, Mary at college), including minor event scenes like sleep, lounge and discipline
– Added minor encounters to gym and noir lingerie
– Added two investment opportunities (started by talking to Douglas), each rewarded with a scene and income.
– Added another scene with Suki in office.
– Added an achievement system that informs the player when the final stage of a relationship is reached.
– The text message offering the sale of two slaves is now more likely to occur
– Teaching classes at the college new yields a bonus to your daily salary
Bug fixes:
– Fixed a code typo that made actions in city hall available even after closing.
– Fixed various typos.

Added girls with full arcs – Candace (in Ypsilon Kappa), Lola, Bri, Suki and Carmichael (in college)
Added slaves Barbie (in Pitchers) and Amber (in Ypsilon Kappa)
Added a new girl in Satin – the Veiled Cherub
Added Rushbrook Avenue, with the homes of Lola, Bri and Suki
Added Ypsilon Kappa’s sorority house in College
Added Car dealership to Mall
Added more random text messages from Audrey, since these are the most likely to repeat
Added the ability for the player to talk over text with Amber, Candace and Ella
Added the Authority stat, which is trained by engaging in certain actions with girls, like “punish”, “dominate” and “discipline”
Added teaching in college, an activity reliant on Authority.
Resized some images to prevent too much scrolling in menus. Added some environment images in menus that previously lacked. Restyled some text to improve readability. Overhauled the overall presentation of the game.
It should no longer be possible to get a “New text!” alert and just a blank text.
Fixed a few typos
Fixed some script typos causing minor issues
Fixed a bug that made the “luna is bored” event occur way earlier than intended

Oranos - Patriarch New Version 0.7.2  - Hardcore Sex

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