ViNovella - Fetish Locator APK Week 3 New Version 2.5.7 Normal

Language: English, German, Russian, Italian
New Version 2.5.7 Normal
Censored: No
1. Extract and run.
INC Patch:
Copy taboo.rpyc file into “Fetish Locator/game” folder.
Fetish Locator is a story-driven Visual Novella. You play as a student who will discover many things that will happen on his path of discovering his fetishes!
1360 renders
200 animations
11 scenes
Lydia story scenes
Daisy scene
Dahlia scene
Several Cynthia scenes
Min scene
Maria scene
Stacy scene
First minigame!
v2.2.24 Extended
644 new renders
135 new animations
Extended scene with Polly&Nora on Day-15
Extended scene with Jessie on Day-16
Music, sound, and voice effects
Replay gallery
The first ending of the game – Ending-13.
E-13 includes 3 scenes and one video clip
Week 2 v2.0.11 Extended Edition
450 added Renders
50 animations
2 story scenes added
Post credit scene added
Recap added
Bonus content for the whole game added
Replay and CG gallery for day-14 added
Credits added
Sound and music added for day-14 and new content
1054 new renders
126 new animations
Lydia scenes
Scene with Min
Scene with Allison and Vanessa
Huge story content split into 5 scenes involving lots of characters!
Week 2 v1.08.07
763 new renders
75 animation files
6 new scenes
Scene with AmRose and Maria
Scene with Hana
Scene with Lyssa
Scene with Lydia
Scene with Daisy
Scene with Dahlia
Minor bug fixes

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For PC
Size: 2580
For Android
Size: 2580
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