AceOfSpade - No Man’s Island APK New Version 0.3

Language: English
Version: 0.3
Censored: No
1. Extract and run.
After sleeping on a float,you end up on an island where there is a secret civilization formed only by women. There you will live in a house with people who will literally be your new family: Sisters, aunts and two mothers.
Bug Fixes
Interface changes
Continuation of the Club path
Extra animated scenes for supporters
-Bug fixes
-Bug fixes
-New Task screen (requires start a new game).
– Click the email icon on your smartphone. As you perform the tasks, new ones may appear, and you will have a side mark if you finish it or if you lose it.
-Bug fixes
-Bug fixes
-New Task screen (requires start a new game).
– Click the email icon on your smartphone. As you perform the tasks, new ones may appear, and you will have a side mark if you finish it or if you lose it.
-Bug fixes
-New place – Club
– You can find “random” girls there.
– Chat system v 1.0, based on different personalities, preferences, etc.
– Many scenes with the bartenders.
Smartphone v 1.0
– For now, you can call your contacts. The conversations can change according to the moment of the story.
New Lydia’s path
New Mya’path
Harley’s path update
Sabrina’s new “side quests” (Not like an RPG… These are alternative scenes that do not interfere with the main plot)
-(All paths involve most of the girls in the house)
The game will warn you when you finish it, telling you what is still to be done and what you lost.
Now you can find people in the living room, bedrooms, bathroom and pool according to the day and time.
You can peep the girls in the bathroom
Over 500 new renderings.