Mrdotsgames - Dating my Daughter [Version 0.29.1 Ch1-3] (2020) (Eng) Update

Year of release: 2020
Version 0.29.1 Ch1-3
Genre: 3DGC, Visual Novel, Date-Sim, Father-Daughter, Seduced, Romance, Voyeur, Zoo, M / FF, MM / F, Corruption, Hardcore, Lesbian, Groping, Anal Sex, Interracial, Handjob, Oral Sex, Sex , Masturbation.
Censorship: Missing
Type of publication: License
Platform: Windows / Mac / Linux
Engine: Ren'Py
Interface language: English
Language of the text: English
Tabletka: not required
A lot of things have happened this month, and I’m afraid I have some bad news for the game. I’ll try to be as brief as possible.
Hardcore-Related Words Removed
This week, Patreon contacted me again and asked that I remove all hardcore-related words from the game before the end of the month.
That means basically removing all references of F and D being relatives in the script. They also asked for me to not link my game to websites that include hardcore content.
Since Chapter 1 is huge and it would take me weeks to make all of those changes, I’ve decided that I will remove the chapter completely from the Patreon posts at the end of the month. All of you have downloaded the game already, so this isn’t really a problem for existing members.
I will work on a patch next month so that new members can download it but until that, it’s best to take it out of here.
The bad news is that from now on, words like d*ughter, f*ther, D*d, etc have been removed completely from Chapter 2.
No visual scenes have been changed or deleted. The story won’t change either. Just the family-related words have been removed.
I hope that with these changes, I’ll be able to stay out of Patreon’s radar for a while. Since there won’t be any mention of hardcore or family members in the game, I think they will agree to leave my page alone for the time being. I’ve already sent them the details of these changes but they haven’t replied me back yet. Let’s hope they do it next week.
While I was coding the update, I came up with this huge bug that kept crashing my game. I couldn’t solve it in time for the update so I left it there in the code. This bug somehow involves a file called ch2.renpy. It is located inside the game folder. It came with the new Renpy platform, so I don’t know what it exactly does and I’m too afraid to delete it. I hope you don’t experience the same issues that I had. If you have any questions about this bug, please send me a PM.
Sorry about that!
So that’s pretty much it. I’m really sorry about all this, but if I didn’t remove the hardcore content, I was at risk of being banned again. Sadly, there are no good Patreon alternatives out there, so I had to comply, or lose the game completely, as well as any future projects.
Version 0.29.1 Ch1-3
• Having anal sex for the first time now results in a different scene than if you were already on the anal path (Day 35)
• The final renders of the F/D/Georgina threesome now properly reflect whether F climaxed in D, Georgina, or both of them (Day 38)
• Added a sex scene featuring the MC, Elena, and Jennifer (Day 40)
• The sex scene with Georgina now appears without needing to be on the Cassandra path (Day 41)
• The in-game walkthrough now indicates the points from the pill choice (Day 41)
• Added some more animations to the F/D/Jennifer threesome (Day 42)
• Added renders of Cassandra on the phone when you are at the afterparty (Day 42)
• The narration at the end of the chapter was changed from a second-person point of view back to first-person
• The results of Cupid Night from Chapter 1 will be automatically transferred to Chapter 4
Things we’ve fixed in this update:
• Fixed a lot of grammar and some plot holes (remember, the game is written in British English, except for some minor exceptions) 😉
• Added sound FX and music for all of Chapter 3 (once the game is completed, we’ll look to add more sound FX in wherever we can)
• Music is now properly controlled by the “Music Volume” instead of “Sound Volume” in the game settings
i.e. Any scene where music tracks are playing (mainly club or dance scenes). The “Sound Volume” controls the audio for the sound effects
• Background sounds and foreground sounds can now play at the same time, instead of interrupting each other
• If you accidentally click “New Game”, you can now return to the menu without having to answer all of the questions first
• Added a “Deleted Scenes” section to the menu for Chapter 3 (you’ll see this on the Home Screen)
My main writer HearszAM had already written two extra scenes for Day 40 which I didn’t have time to create renders or animations for.
However, I have added those scripts into this section so you can read how these scenes played out.
He has also written scenes for Olivia and a scene for Margo (also for Day 40 originally), but at some point, I’ll look to use them in Chapter 4 instead.
• Added “Pat’s Gallery” (you’ll see this on the Home Screen)
Version 0.29 Ch1-3
– Changed some lines to the Chapter 3 endings montage screens.
– Several renders fixed/replaced.
– Replaced Ruby with Cindy during the orgy scene at the competition after-party. We’ve also added a scene where Ruby decides to leave the party in disgust, which is more in line with what her character is like.
– Fixed any plot holes, bugs, continuity errors listed by fans.
– Updated and fixed any errors on the Chapter 3 Walkthrough.
Things we’ve added:
– Discussion between F, D and Georgina about her moving in with them.
– A sex scene with F, Dee and Jennifer on Day 42 (plus animations)
– A sex scene with F, Dee and Georgina on Day 42 (plus animations)
– A sex scene with F, Dee and Ryan on Day 42 (plus animations)
– A sex scene with F, Dee and Martin on Day 42 (plus animations)
– Added Martin to the Chapter 3 endings montage screens, and changed some lines for the Georgina and Jennifer screens.
– Music and sound effects added to every day in Chapter 3 (Chapter’s 1 and 2 will have sound FX added in very soon!)
Version 0.24 Ch3
This update in a lot of ways is all about setting up the various sharing paths that we have in mind for F and especially D.
You will find by the end of this update that we have added four “sharing” paths into the main menu under “relationships”.
If you have the Walkthrough, we have left details on how to access the scenes where you and your daughter interact with other characters in some very special and saucy situations!
V24 also looks at how you and your daughter prepare for the all-important modelling competition in the next week of the game.
Be mindful of what day it is when the characters mention them in their conversations or thoughts. (Hint: the two days in this update are a Friday and a Saturday).
There will be three new characters that feature in this update, and D’s mother Rachel unexpectedly finds a new friend that you’ll all remember from Chapter 1.
One thing that we sometimes like to do with our two games is to reintroduce characters from the early parts of the game, who may have been favorites with a section of fans. They may or may not have some influence on D’s modelling career, or even her sexual progression with you, her father.
New menu options and changes
Aside from adding more relationship options into the menu bar, the biggest change that we have made to this update is removing almost all of the points scoring system.
So once Day 33 begins, you will notice in the menu section that the boob, ass, sharing, exhibition and BDSM points have been removed, but we have kept the LOVE points.
We’ve kept these points because your final total score here will be very important towards the back end of the game. It may determine what endings you get by the time DMD is completed.
The reason for this is that it was becoming more increasingly difficult to keep track of the points and it was a nightmare from a coding perspective.
We also looked at it from a player’s point of view, and saw that it would be frustrating for you all to have to go back a day, or even several days in the game to pick up those one or two extra points from these categories, just to see an alternate scene.
So we’ve found an easier way to monitor this.
With the new additions of the sharing relationships, this will make things much simpler for you all to view alternate scenes.
So for example, if you are on the D-only path and you are out to dinner with Olivia and Graham, you can change the Olivia/D threesome option from “No” to “Yes” to see what happens after dinner with those two. Or you can keep it set or change it to “No”, to see what happens between you and your daughter instead!
And even if you decide not to be on any of these sharing paths, they will pop up in the menu during various points in this update anyway.
This is just to give you all the option to view alternate scenes, in case you change your mind.
If you have the Walkthrough, then there will be clues as to when and what scene these sharing options will pop up in the relationship’s menu.
Lastly, the various points that we have just taken out are still relevant up until the end of Day 32. So, for those of you who have not played up until the end of that day,
if you have the walkthrough, be sure to continue to collect the necessary points if you want to see specific scenes (e.g. collect ASS points to do anal-related activities with D).
The WT will still show these points up until the end of Day 32, but from Day 33, we will tell you what choices you need to make to get certain scenes
(e.g. sharing D with another male or female character) or specific options (e.g. anal sex, DP) in future updates.
So, from this update onward, choices that refer to sharing your daughter with other people, her doing sexual things in public, anything related to bondage or anal play,
will be determined by decisions that you make at certain points during each update, rather than having to accrue a set amount of points.
Version 0.23 Ch3
About this update, we’ve put a lot of focus being on the various relationships that you the main character, may have chosen to have with the other female love interests in the game, aside from your daughter. You’ll notice from one of our previews this month that D’s friends Elena and Jennifer will feature, as will a few other fan favourites.
This update is in some ways the (long) beginning towards various endings in the game.
Of course, you will have to make certain decisions within this and future updates in order to get those endings, so if you have the walkthrough, be sure to use it to keep yourself on a specific path or a combination that you might be interested in seeing later on in the game.
There’s plenty of points on offer, not just Love points. BDSM, Sharing, Exhibition points can be attained, and if you have a certain amount collected already, then it will allow you more options and D will be open to try more things with you, and maybe with another guy or girl as well!
Again there are two days in this update – Days 31 & 32 – and in terms of words written, Day 31 is by my count the biggest day in the game so far.
There’s plenty of new renders, record-breaking lines of code and several new animations.
The walkthrough plus the coding for the game was incredibly difficult to put together, mainly due to how many characters feature and the number of different paths that progress forward in v23.
We’’d like to give a special shout out to a writer of ours, “Rosch”, that has helped contribute quite a number of scenes since the very first chapter of DMD.
Look out for his special scenes later in this update, one featuring Jen and Elena, another with Jennifer solo.
The Q and A’s at the start of the game
Before Chapter 3 began during our last update, we mentioned that would be asked to answer a quick Q & A before starting this chapter.
In this update (v23), there are a couple of questions that you need to answer correctly in order to view special scenes within this new release.
Also, if you watched a specific adult film on the evening of Day 28 with your Daughter, then there will also be a special role-play scene in this update.
Again, please use the Walkthrough if you have it to help you find these special scenes.
Days 31 & 32
If you haven’t played the previous update or if you didn’t happen to notice this previously, we have removed the friendship points from the game.
Attaining a certain amount of BDSM, ASS, EXH or SHARING points before the start of this update may be the difference between getting certain options or viewing certain scenes on either Days 31 or 32.
The Walkthrough will give you clues on how many points from any of these categories that you will need to view these.
As always, you can leave your thoughts, feedback and constructive criticism in the comments section below.
We always strive to do our best and to give our fans a satisfying hour (or so) of entertainment with each release for either of our games.
Animated and Bonus scenes:
Day 31
– D rimming F at the beach (bonus scene)
– D giving F a blowjob (animated)
– E masturbating D (animated)
– Titfucking D in the bedroom (animated)
– D riding F (animated)
– D riding F facing away (animated)
– D riding F facing away and E kissing D (animated)
– E jerking F off while D watches (animated)
Day 32
– Elena normal and anal sex (animated)
– D giving F a blowjob in the morning (animated)
– D giving F a handjob in the morning (animated)
– Elena handjob in the shower (animated)
– F having sex with Georgina from behind (animated)
– D dressed up as a schoolgirl in the evening (bonus scene)
– D blowjob in the evening (normal and schoolgirl) (animated)
– D boobjob in the evening (normal and schoolgirl) (animated)
– D footjob in the evening (normal and schoolgirl) (animated)
– D cowgirl in the evening (normal and schoolgirl) (animated)
– Trying anal sex with D (bonus scene)
– Spanking D (bonus scene)
Final Words
I really hope you enjoy playing DMD v0.23, and again, thanks as always for sticking with us.
Not many game creators get to three years of developing them, and we make these games for you as much as we do for ourselves.
We also have an Unofficial Discord Fan if you would like to chat with other like-minded fans of my two games, share your own fan art, ideas etc.
Anyways, if you’d like to join the channel, the invitation link is below:
Please make sure to read the rules of the channel in the “info-and-rules” section, before you do anything else.
In this channel, it has our work schedule and approximate release dates for our two games between now, and the end of the year.
Feel free to share the above link with anyone who you think would like to join the great community they have at “(It’s A Heart) MrDotsFans – Unofficial Fan Page”.
The two members of my team (HearszAM and Jeff Steel) are on this channel quite often, so the discord is another way you can reach me through them.
You can also list any bugs or post your suggestions on there, for either of my two games.
Thank you everyone for your continued support because without it, our games would not exist.
Here’s to another three years!
Changelog 0.21.5:
Hi guys,
I just wanted to inform you that I’ve updated the download links to DMD v.21.5. The main focus of this version was to fix the bugs you’ve reported since DMD v.21 came out.
Some of the bugs fixed are:
– Plot holes involving Georgina and Jennifer routes.
– Kissing scene between D and Jennifer.
– Android users: Users got stuck in the keyboard dialogue when starting the game with no saves from CH1, naming a save or trying to change D’s name.
– Grammar errors
Final words
DMD v.21.5 does not contain any new scenes I’m afraid. If you’ve already played v.21 then there’s no need for you to download the whole game again. If you’re an Android user and you’re having issues when starting the game with no saves from CH1, changing D’s name or naming your saves, then I’d recommend that you try this version out.
We’ll return to DMD in June. The release date for DMD v.22 is set to June 29th, 2019
v0.18 Changes from dev:
V18 is a fine balance of the progression in the relationship between D and the MC, sex scenes and characters trying to discover or discuss some of their hidden secrets, as well as trying to work out other’s character’s possible secrets as well.
Due to the fact we had only a little less than four weeks to work on DMD this month (as opposed to Melody v0.0.2 where we had five weeks), there isn’t as much content in v18 as in previous updates. I am truly sorry for this.
The most important thing for us, which has been a huge goal for the past three or so months, was simply to make sure the game continued on.
As most of you would know if you had played up to the end of v17, the MC and the girls will be taking a trip out to the countryside.
We have carefully chosen some specific set designs, one in particular you may recognize straight away if you’re a big fan of a certain eighties hit movie franchise!
The school project the girls are there to collect information for will be more focused on for v19. We will have more time to work on that update, so we’ll explore that more in the next release. There will be also an explanation as to why D simply can’t leave the country with F. So, look out for that scene!
Remember guys, “This Is Donutistan”, where normal rules of the world don’t always apply!
Extra Scenes (I couldn’t send this list via email due to Mailchimp rules):
– Dad fingering D’s pussy on the shower
– Dad licking D’s pussy at the hotel
– Elena hand job in the car (animated)
– Daughter oral on the train (animated)
– Elena reverse cowgirl on the train (animated version)
– Elena doggy on the train (animated and POV animated version)
– D oral at the hotel
– D sucking balls at the hotel
– Bonus 69er scene with D (Check the walkthrough on how to unlock this scene)
– Bonus anal play scene with D
Version 0.16 Changelog:
-Fixed grammar errors (Day 15)
-Fixed severance payment bug.
-Added Relationship menu
-Added Day 16
Extra scenes + images for $20 Tier
• D masturbating at home scene (with animation)
• F jerking off at the hotel (with animation)
• F massaging D’s boobs at the squash game (with animation)
• F massaging D’s ass at the squash game (with animation)
• Extended Squash game (Including nude)
• F playing with D’s nipples in the spa (with animation)
• F fingering D’s pussy in the spa (with animation)
• F fingering E’s pussy in the spa (with animation)
• D and F masturbating together (with animation)
• F masturbating D (with animation)
• F kissing D’s pussy
• D giving F a boobjob (with animation)
Final Words
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you for following me throughout 2017 during the development of the game.
Your feedback and continued support has been overwhelming, and myself as well as my team are really excited for what the new year has in store and what we have planned for our game. You guys rock! [IMG]
As always, if you have any questions, suggestions, bugs to report, etc. please send me a message.
Have a nice day!
Extras are Included in every File.
v0.015 Patch:
(Replace the old files for this one and that's it)
I've already fixed all the other links so if you want to download the entire game again, you can do so.
Here's the changelog:
-Added small quiz at the beginning of the game for those having the "NONE" bug. I know it's not the best solution but it should help you play the game correctly.
- Fixed bug at the end of the game (Virtual call scene)
- Fixed and deleted more forbidden words
- Added Chapter 2
- Removed all hardcore content from the game.
- Added huge bug involving file ch2.renpy
Mrdots (Coding, Rendering, Writing)
Hearsz (Writing, proofreading, ideas, beta testing)
Gaetano (Bug Hunter, Ideas, Feedback)
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