After Invasion v0.45

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Date: 09/1/2017
Language: English
Version: 0.45
Censored: No
Platform: PC/Windows
Change log V0.45
Change log, added all the text for the basic conversations in the neighborhood scene. Added the initial text for a quest that will be happening on day 7 in the neighborhood.
Added a several new photos for Trey, and Reaper. Working on trying to put together some new scenes, these scenes will have a lot of back ground people in them, so they are proving difficult.
Updated the Stat / personnel pages so it is more inline with what I am wanting. I think it looks a lot better, BUT I am still fighting with the code to get the text to display how I want in the personnel and stat pages. So they will look better in the next update.
Also an animation, there is a shapeshift animation for the PC to turn into a Bear combat form.
Also got the work started for scene3, but it is not linked to the rest of the game yet. I am working on getting map's set up for the base, city, and an updated map for the neighborhood.
Plans for the upcoming week, finish adding code for the pics to the neighborhood, creating those pics, and depending on how much time I have left, I will try to get more work done on the stat's go through the code and add relationship modifiers to the rest of the choices I haven't already put the numbers into.
The following week I plan on trying to get the power's working so they can be used in convo's. Then I plan on adding convo's to the phone system and options to personnel page so the different options will be viable.
IF I have enough time then I plan on getting scene3 initially working, so you can at least go and see some of the places that will be important in the future.
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