Goblin Layer – New Version 0.43.9 [Parodos]

Date: 16.04.2023
Language: English
Version: 0.43.9
Censored: No
1. Extract and run.
Info: A man on a mission to wipe out every goblin nest (and with a serious goblin fetish) arrives in a frontier town… where all the men have all mysteriously gone missing, and all the women are becoming increasingly horny.
Will he ever be able to form normal human relationships with the thirsty townswomen, or will he lose himself to thicc goblin girls?
0.43.9 “Baking Edition” aka it’s another fucking wall of text changelog
### Art/Scenes ###
New Animations/Scene! Gobsicca inaugerates her office. (this happens after you renovate the office in this Cottage)
New Scene – kind of! Amazon combat training (this happens in town, directly after the intro cave & Goblinette). (Uses already existing art in a new context)
### Gameplay ###
(finally) Added the first iteration of the official child suppport debt increasal system framework, it not fully complete yet, kinda “tech demo-tier” at the moment. You can go knock up Gobsicca in the cottage office to try it. It should work something like: Bun in oven —-> player walks x amount of steps (time passes) —-> finished baking. You can give the kid some life advice before they set off on their own path (they grow up fast). I’m gonna add some more special art for the impregnation & different stages, better dialogue and interactions etc in the future updates, just wanna let you people get a chance to break the system first.
Added a new plugin that puts the Quest Journal displayed directly on screen, so you can just click it directly for quick access. It might be disabled during certain scenes and the intro. The code for the plugin was actually written by chatgpt (after a lot of trial and error, I don’t think programmers have to be worried about losing their job for quite some time), please let me know if there are any bugs. At the moment the icon is always visible, but I’m planning to have it auto-hide during scenes.
Added “Book of Offspring” to the same menu as the quest journal. It will show how many kids Goblin Layer has made, and with whom, as well as a way to track the pregnancy status etc.
Skeletons on the ground should now be interactive/lootable – for the most part, if they’re are not covered by something. Want to make the environment a bit more interactive.
Added YEP Synch FPS plugin. It syncs the game fps to your screen fps or something? Fuck if I know. If your computer is shit, and you cant get 60fps, turning this off might be helpful. If your computer is good turning this off might instead turn the game into an adhd-friendly adventure. Basically if things are already running smoothly, dont touch it. If things are slow, try turning off. It might help, it might not.
Added sound effects here and there, and adjusted sound levels here and there. Report sounds that are too loud or silent! Relative to the other sounds in the game.
Goblin Layer no longer has the combat cheat skill by default, you can choose if you want it or not at the beginning of the game. Or talk to the old lady in Hubtown.
Switched out SRD_NameInputUpgrade for YEP_KeyNameEntry, this means you can switch between keyboard input or on-screen keyboard input in-game. For example when entering a password or something like that. If you’re not able to use a keyboard, you could just switch to the on-screen one.
After the intro, Amazon will offer a small optional combat tutorial (She’ll be gone after Chapter 2, aka Goblina’s quest)
Added Olivia’s anti-stress plugin (always dash, start with low volume to avoid broken eardrums, better error msgs)
Added YEP battle AI core plugin, should make enemies a little smarter and improve their decision making
Plugins might get removed later on, depending on feedback. Wanna see if they work or not for everyone first.
Various tileset touch ups.
Improvements to the intro.
Adjustments to the quest journal.
Started improving some loot lists
Tiny tiny improvement to Farm girl’s 2nd floor scene.
Made the plants during Anvil’s quest slightly more visible
Made the buy/sell buttons a bit more consistent
Increased casting speed of holy light by 15
There are 3 autosave slots now.
Removed casting animation for skill-type(non-magic) special skills
Better animations for various skills
Some rebalancing of equipment, it’s a work in progress.
New password for Cheat rooms + slightly quicker straightforward password entering process
//Updated hall of fame (I actually forgot, realized it just after uploading), but will fix next update!
Adjusted the tentacle encounter with Anvil, so the dialogue triggers during the first round of combat
Off-Screen I’ve also worked quite a bit on upscaling & optimizing textures used for rooms, items, skin, clothes etc
### Bugs ###
Blocked of the Gentle Glade area after the quest, probably gonna make the kuká leaves regrow in some future update, so they can be harvested & sold. Can actually use the pregnancy tracking system to grow plants and shit as well lol. Might accidently end up making Stardew Valley at this rate. Is a garden something you’d want for the Cottage?
Fixed walkable places that should’ve been non-walkable, but still was. And the opposite of that.
Fixed player ending up in the wrong spot when entering cheat/patreon room
Fixed an error with the gold icon
Disable the cinematic in Amazons basement for now, keep getting messages from who had it freeze.
There’s a bunch of other bugfixes as well, from 0.44. This time they should fix more than they break, Hopefully.
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Size: 1900 mb