Free Adult Games » Android Games » Star Knightess Aura – New Version 0.42.3 [aura-dev]

Star Knightess Aura – New Version 0.42.3 [aura-dev]

Date: 17.05.2024
Language: English
Version: 0.42.3
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.
Follow Aura’s adventure as she is thrust into the fantasy world of Roya. What she initially believed to follow the conventional plotline of a “summoned to another world”-story quickly turns into her worst nightmare. Cursed by the Demon King, Aura must now struggle every night to track down her nemesis and ultimately strike him down.
But her enemies don’t just lurk in Roya. Having entered her mind through the Demon King’s curse, another enemy attempts to brainwash and corrupt Aura from the inside. Faced with a two-pronged attack against her body and mind, can Aura finish off her worst enemy without losing herself?
Star Knightess Aura is an RPG with nsfw erotic content, made with RPG Maker MZ. The game features themes of corruption, brainwashing, mental changes, possession, mind control, and NTR. All characters are 18+.​
Version v0.42.3
Added George maid costume
Added Lord Trademond 1 H-CGs
Added Lord Trademond 2 H-CGs
Added Brothel Customer 2 H-CGs Variations
Added Tutored by Richard 5 H-CG Variations
Added character asset sexual underwear
Added character asset slutty clothing
Added mental change Superiority 1
Added mental change Implant Modeling Knowledge
Added mental change Slutty Clothes
Added mental change Corrupt Selflessness Orb 2
Added mental change insert corrupted Selfishness Orb 2
Added quest Rotten Love
Added scene Dating Richard 2
Added scene Dating Richard 3
Added scene Dating Richard 4
Added scene Dating Richard 5
Added scene Wanting To Be A Model 6
Added scene Wanting To Be A Model 7
Added scene Lewd Streaming 4
Added scene Lewd Streaming 5
Added scene Lunchbreak 9
Added lewd scene Infiltrating Cheerleaders 6
Added scene Infiltrating Cheerleaders 7
Added scene George and Veronica 3
Added lewd scene George and Veronica 4
Added scene George and Veronica 5
Added scene George and Veronica 6
Added scene Cheating on George 5
Added scene Being Lazy 1
Added scene Being Lazy 2
Added scene Lewd Thoughts 6
Added lewd scene Hanging Out At Richard’s 1
Added scene Hooking Up Elizabeth 5
Added scene Hooking Up Elizabeth 6
Added lewd scene Tutored By Richard 5
Added lewd scene Tutored By Richard 6
Added map Persephone Domain
Added map Hermit interior with Vice chest for Mana Catalyst
Expanded Social Category in Compendium to include Roya locations
Added Slutty Clothing pixel costume
Added passive Sex Duties of a Demon Queen I
Added passive Lazy I/II
Added passive Beauty Sleep Is Important
Added passive Learning Skills Sucks
Added lewd passive Submission Fantasies
Added lewd passive skill Modeling Proficiency I
Made slight alteration to Alchemist apprentice interaction
Added item “Mutated Skin”
Implemented cursor blink effect in windows that currently lack one
Implemented walking character for selected save file
Added critters into Poison Swamp map
Reworked Recess in Nothing But The Truth to cause a day end and let the player resume when they can pass the Vice check to commit to a route
Expanded Francois pure path brothel scene
Added Handsome tag to select enemies
Added infamy 10 event Meeting Victor
Added boss Persephone
Added Expert Rank upgrade option
Added clearing bridge bandits to requirements for unlocking Poison Swamp
Increased max mental changes to 151
Increased max killed bosses to 113
Changed Mutated Serpent drop to Mutated Skin
Add autoskill Flight to Scorpion Bees
Gave Mantraps adds
Added Cycle of Life and Gluttonous trait to Mantraps
Increased Scorpion Bee HP
Increased Swamp Constrictor def
Gave Swamp Constrictors skill Wrap
Replaced Prime Fangs and just have a double attack for Mantraps/Serpent
Increased Mantrap HP
Changed Temperance II Auto-Corrupt condition from Rising Heat to Lewdness >= 40
Doubled effectiveness of Rising Heat I/II/III
Fixed typos
Disabled save naming due to too many unsresolved bugs
Fixed missing restore opacity after George And Veronica 5
Fixed Rotten Love loop when talking to Elaine while in Chapter 1
Fixed Victor available before introduction event
Fixed sv_actors playing idle motions when under timestop (only visible on slime)
Fixed save list characters disappearing when dragging mouse
Fixed Paulina gaining Maid Score after killing Asmodeus
Fixed incorrect mention of black priestess info when interacting with northern mines anchor without talking to black priestess
Fixed turn-end damage not showing popups

Star Knightess Aura – New Version 0.42.3 [aura-dev]

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For PC
Size: 445 mb
For Android